Michael Thaler

Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Medicine


Michael Thaler was professor emeritus at UC San Francisco (UCSF), where he conducted graduate seminars for medical residents and fellows. He has taught undergraduate courses on contemporary history of science, politics, and society at UC Berkeley, the Fromm Institute, and Stanford and as a visiting professor at UC Santa Cruz (UCSC). He has published extensively in the bioscientific and medical literature, and holds several prestigious scientific and public service awards. He has also taught classes for OLLI at Sonoma State and Berkeley. In 1999, after 47 years of medical training, practice, and teaching, he obtained a M.A. in History and began a second career as professor of history at UCSC. As a community activist, he was president of The Holocaust Center of Northern California from 1982-1994 which contributed to his receiving the UCSF Chancellor's Faculty Award for Outstanding Contributions to Society in 2008.


  • Self Employed Self employed (2011)
  • Professor Emeritus UCSF (1967 — 1998)
  • Research Fellow Harvard University Graduate School of Design (1963 — 1967)


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