Mike Mingcheng Wei

Associate Professor Operations Management and Strategy at University at Buffalo School of Management


  • University at Buffalo School of Management



University at Buffalo School of Management


  • PhD, Washington University, St. Louis
  • MS, Pennsylvania State University
  • BBA, Fudan University, China


  • Supply chain management
  • Revenue management and dynamic pricing
  • Consumer-oriented operations model
  • Machine learning and online decision-making
  • Congestion pricing and transportation networks

Selected Publications

Aviv, Y, M.M. Wei, F. Zhang. 2019. Responsive pricing of fashion products: The effects of demand learning and strategic consumer behavior. Management Science 65(7) 2982-3000.

Wang, X., M.M. Wei, T. Yao. 2018. Minimax Concave Penalized Multi-Armed Bandit Model with High-Dimensional Covariates. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning 5200-5208.

Yao, T., T. Friesz, M.M. Wei, Y. Yin. 2010. Congestion Derivatives for a Traffic Bottleneck. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44(10) 1149-1165.

Professional Associations

  • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
  • Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM)
  • Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
  • Decision Science Institute (DSI)

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