Mingyang Sun

Honorary Lecturer at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London

Mingyang Sun is currently a Professor in the Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. Also, he is currently an Honorary Lecturer at Imperial College London. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the Control and Power (CAP) group at Imperial College London in 2017.

His research mainly focuses on the investigation of the novel Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence methods to energy systems, with a special emphasis on dealing with uncertainties arising from RES and energy consumers for system investment planning and operation. In particular, his research interests include data-driven cyber-physical energy system security assessment, smart meter data analysis, energy forecasting, flexibility quantification, and large-scale energy system investment planning. He has authored more than 60 scientific publications in leading power system journals and conferences, including IEEE Transactions and Applied Energy. Two of his conference papers have been awarded the Best Paper for IEEE PES GM 2016 and PMAPS 2016.

He is the PI/CO-PI for a series of key projects funded by the NSFC, National Key R&D Program of China, The Royal Society (UK), and China Association for Science and Technology. Furthermore, he was involved in many multi-partner collaborative projects and led the work regarding machine learning for trial data modelling and analysis. The projects concerned were “EU-SysFlex” (Horizon 2020, EUR20 million), “Innovative Tools for Electrical System Security within Large Areas (iTesla)”, (FP7, EUR19.4 million), and “Low Carbon London” (UK Power Networks, GBP28 million).

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