Mirko Hayat

Affiliate Professor Tax & Law at HEC Paris


  • HEC Paris



HEC Paris

Mirko Hayat holds a Ph.D. in Law from the Paris XIII University. He also holds a degree in Economy from the Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, and a Habilitation to conduct researches (Qualified Research Supervisor). He is graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Impôts.

Before joining HEC Paris, he was tax director at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris. He strated his career as tax auditor for the tax service. He was expert for the European Economic and Social Comitee, and for the French Tax Council. He teaches tax law in the master pro Banque-Finances Paris I University. He is a member of the directorate board and the scientific comittee of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), french branch, and member of the board of AJE ( association des juristes européens).


  • 2009 Habilitation to conduct researches (Qualified Research Supervisor), Aix-Marseille Université - France
  • 2001 Ph.D. in Law, Université Paris - Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - France
  • 1983 Diplome, Ecole Nationale des Impôts - France
  • 1979 DEA d'Economie, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - France


Academic responsabilities at HEC

  • 2006- Affiliate ProfessorHEC Paris


Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Directeur du centre de recherche sur le droit des affaires (CREDA), de la direction generale adjointe chargee des etudes, de la prospective et de l'innovation (DGA/EPI)
  • Member of the directorate board and the scientific comittee of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), French branch
  • Membre de la commission fiscale de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale (branche francaise)
  • Member of the board of AJE ( association des juristes europeens).
  • Secretaire general de l'Observatoire Europeen de la fiscalite des Entreprises

Editorial activities

  • 2012- Co-directeur de la collection "Droit des affaires"; Lexis Nexis
  • June 2008 Co-editeur du numero de la Gazette Europeenne du Palais : "Lisbonne quand meme ?"
  • Participation au numero de la Gazette du Palais, Gazette Europeenne des 11, 12 et 13, 14 fevrier 2009 consacre au "Conseil d'Etat et l'application du droit communautaire"

Conference organisation

  • 2011-2011 65th Congress of the international fiscal association, Paris, membre du comité d'organisation
  • La TVA en 2010. Les nouvelles règles de territorialité pour les prestations de service. La nouvelle procédure de remboursement 8ème Directive, Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris.

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