Mitali Banerjee

Assistant Professor Strategy and Business Policy at HEC Paris


  • HEC Paris




HEC Paris

Mitali Banerjee studies the relationship between fame, creativity and social networks in creative industries. As part of this research, she examines how innovator's social networks shape how well-known they are beyond their peers. In related research she is examining, how producers' reputation among their peers shapes the amount of attention they receive in mainstream press. Her empirical contexts include early 20th century Modern artists and jazz musicians. In other research she is developing a computational model of creativity that can be applied to large scale analysis of complex creative output: as part of this project she is exploring the relationship between human and machine evaluations of creativity. She completed her Ph.D. in Management from Columbia Business School. She graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in Mathematics (BS) and Economics (BA) from the University of Rochester. Before embarking on her PhD, she worked in investment banking and was a research associate in the Strategy division at Harvard Business School.


  • 2016 Ph.D. Management division, Columbia Business School - USA
  • 2013 MPhil, Management, Columbia University - USA
  • 2003 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, University of Rochester - USA
  • 2003 Bachelor of Arts in Economics, University of Rochester - USA


Academic responsabilities at HEC

  • 2020- Member of GREGHEC, the joint research laboratory CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris
  • 2016- Assistant Professor, Strategy and Business Policy HEC Paris


  • 2013 Columbia Business School CIBER Summer Research Grant
  • 1998 Rush Rhees Scholarship

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