Morten Edvardsen
Professor Emeritus at Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Research interests:
- Resource policy studies, risk analysis, planning evaluation.
Teaching at UMB:
- Local planning, Planning theory, Coastal zone and River basin planning.
- Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) (1986 — 1986)
- Uppsala universitet (1985 — 1985)
- Oslo. TØIs Høstkurs Transportøkonomisk Institutt (1974 — 1974)
- Chartered Engineer (Sivilingeniör) NTH (1973 — 1973)
- University of Washington (1972 — 1972)
- BSCE University of Idaho (1971 — 1972)
- Washington State University (1970 — 1971)
- Høgskolekandidat ØIH (1965 — 1968)
- Professor Emeritus Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) (2012)
- Guest Editor Kart og Plan. Volume 77, No 3 (2017). ISSN 0047-3278 (2017 — 2017)
- Professor Norwegian University of Life Sciences (1993 — 2012)
- Adjunct position University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland (2010 — 2010)
- Adjunct position University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland (2009 — 2009)
- Chair of Study Committee, Department of Landscape architecture and Land use planning Norwegian University of Life Sciences (1998 — 2003)
- Chair of Steering Committee, Center for Continuing Education, UMB Norwegian University of Life Sciences (1997 — 1999)
- International Land Use Specialist (Sri Lanka) NORAGRIC/NODE. (1999 — 1999)
- NATO Research Fellow NATO (1996 — 1998)
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