Nick Ka Wo Tse

Assistant Professor specializing in Addiction and Mental Health at The HKCT Institute of Higher Education


Dr. Tse Ka Wo, Nick is an Assistant Professor specializing in Addiction and Mental Health at The HKCT Institute of Higher Education. Nick is also a registered social worker (SWRB), certified counsellor, and Associate Fellow (HKPCA) in Hong Kong. He is the first MINT certified MI trainer and the rater for the MINT trainer certification scheme in Hong Kong. He is also part of the team of trainers in the first local Training of New Trainers (TNT) by Dr. William Miller (Founder of Motivational Interviewing) in Dec 2018. In addition, Nick has been practising social work since 2003, in the field of addictions, youth outreach, and residential services. Apart from direct clinical services, Nick has delivered MI and addictive behaviours training to various professional bodies, non-governmental organizations, and universities across Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and Mainland China.

Dr. Tse has a proven track record as a social innovator to develop pioneer social services with multi-disciplinary teams. Nick’s background is in clinical social work with much hands-on experience and expertise in developing the clinical motivational approach for addiction treatments. His cutting-edge scholarly work focuses on developing and evaluating collective motivational interviewing (CMI) for helping people with addictive behaviours and mental health challenges.

Nick has been invited to serve on several MI research projects at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is co-principal and co-investigator of several MI research projects funded by competitive research grants. Tse has taught courses, including motivational interviewing, addictive behaviours, and program planning and evaluation, with the aim to nurture the next generation of social workers. Most recently he has been concerned about the issue of internet gaming disorder (IGD) and is examining the application of motivational interviewing groups in working with adolescents at risk for IGD.

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