Noeleen Doherty
Principal Research Fellow at Cranfield School of Management
Cranfield School of Management
Noeleen holds a first degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Applied Psychology and a PhD in Organisational Psychology.
She has held senior management roles within public sector organisations including the role of occupational psychologist with the Royal mail and Project Manager with the Police Force.
Current activities
Currrent research interests: self-initiated international expatriation, the development of career capital, work and well-being.
Leads research with private and public sector organisations, adopting an eclectic mix of methodologies.
Combining academic and practitioner experience (from previous employment) her focus is on generating research relevant to practice.
Published a range of books, book chapters and articles, recently featuring in the Journal of Vocational Behaviour, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Career Development International and the British Journal of Management.
Speaks regularly at national and international conferences; academic and practitioner.
Actively developing research capability: teaching on doctoral programmes, focussing particularly on the development of skills in research methodology and writing for publication.
Supervisor of Masters and Doctoral students.
Internal and external Doctoral examiner - courses and Doctoral studies.
Institute of Occupational Health and Safety
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants/Economic and Social Research Council
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Ministry of Defence
PricewaterhouseCoopers/European Commission
The Home Office
- Articles in journals
- Conference papers
- Books
Articles In Journals
- Franco-Santos & Doherty N (2017) Performance management and well-being: a close look at the changing nature of the UK higher education workplace, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28 (16) 2319-2350.
- Yao C, Thorn K & Doherty N (2016) Boundarylessness as a dynamic construct: The case of Chinese early career expatriates, Career Development International, 19 (6) 683-699.
- Pilbeam C, Davidson R, Doherty N & Denyer D (2016) What learning happens? Using audio diaries to capture learning in response to safety-related events within retail and logistics organizations, Safety Science, 81 59-67.
- Pilbeam C, Doherty N, Davidson R & Denyer D (2016) Safety Leadership Practices for Organizational Safety Compliance: Developing a research agenda from a review of the literature, Safety Science, 86 110-121.
- Pilbeam C, Doherty N, Davidson R & Denyer D (2016) Effect of isomorphic forces on safety practices in service organizations – are there dangers to homogeneity?, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 14 (1) 50-64.
- Doherty N, Richardson J & Thorn K (2013) Self-initiated expatriation and self-initiated expatriates: Clarification of the research stream, Career Development International, 18 (1) 97-112.
- Doherty N (2013) Understanding the self-initiated expatriate: A review and directions for future research, International Journal of Management Reviews, 15 (4) 447-469.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2012) Measuring the return on investment in international assignments: an action research approach, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (16) 3434-3454.
- Chen A, Doherty N & Vinnicombe S (2012) Developing women''s career competencies through an EMBA, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 27 (4) 232-248.
- Chen A, Doherty N & Vinnicombe S (2012) The perceived value of networking through an EMBA: a study of Taiwanese women, Career Development International, 17 (7) 646-662.
- Collings DG, Doherty N, Luethy M & Osborn D (2011) Understanding and supporting the career implications of international assignments, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78 (3) 361-371.
- Doherty N (2011) Secrets of a happy workforce, Management Focus (Autumn) 8-9.
- Doherty N, Dickmann M & Mills T (2011) Exploring the motives of company-backed and self-initiated expatriates, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (3) 595-611.
- Doherty N, Dickmann M & Mills T (2010) Mobility attitudes and behaviours among young Europeans, Career Development International, 15 (4) 378-400.
- Dickmann M & Doherty N (2010) Exploring organizational and individual career goals, interactions, and outcomes of developmental international assignments, Thunderbird International Business Review, 52 (4) 313-324.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2009) Exposing the Symbolic Capital of International Assignments, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (2) 301-320.
- Ashurst C, Doherty N & Peppard J (2008) Improving the impact of IT development projects: the benefits realization capability model, European Journal of Information Systems, 17 (4) 352-370.
- Dickmann M, Doherty N, Mills T & Brewster C (2008) Why do they go? Individual and corporate perspectives on the factors influencing the decision to accept an international assignment, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (4) 731-751.
- Dickmann MF & Doherty N (2008) Exploring the career capital impact of international assignments within district organizational contexts, British Journal of Management, 19 (2) 145-161.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2007) Managing the career wobble of repatriates, Developing HR Strategy (13 July).
- Airth J & Doherty N (2005) Alcohol Arrest Referral, Community Safety Journal, 40 (4) 38-39.
- Miller D, Tyson S & Doherty N (1999) Pulling ourselves Together, Health and Safety (Mar) 34-37.
- Adamson S, Doherty N & Viney C (1998) The Meaning of Career Revisted: Implications for Theory and Practice, British Journal of Management, 9 (4) 251-259.
- Doherty N (1998) The Role of Outplacement in Redundancy Management, Personnel Review, 27 (4) 343-353.
- Doherty N, Adamson S & Viney C (1997) Rhetoric or Reality: Shifts in Graduate Career Management, Career Development International, 2 (4) 173-179.
- Viney C, Adamson S & Doherty N (1997) Paradoxes of Fast Track Career Management, Personnel Review, 26 (3) 174-186.
- Doherty N (1996) Re-engineering People: The Forgotton Survivors, Knowledge and Process Management, 3 (1) 39-46.
- Doherty N (1996) Surviving in an Era of Insecurity, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (4) 471-478.
- Doherty N, Bank J & Vinnicombe S (1996) Managing Survivors: The Experience of Survivors in BT and the British Financial Sector, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 11 (7) 51-60.
- Doherty N, Tyson S, Viney & C (1993) A positive policy? Corporate perspectives on redundancy and outplacement, Personnel Review, 22 (7) 45-53.
Conference Papers
- Myers B & Doherty N. Thorn K (2017) Self-initiated expatriation and older women: Composing a further life. In: 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017, Copenhagen, 6-8 July 2017.
- Pilbeam C, Doherty N & Denyer D (2015) Achieving safety compliance through safety leadership. In: WOSNET 8th International Conference, Porto, 23 September 2015.
- Yao C, Thorn K & Doherty N (2015) Knowing more from Chinese expatriates: theoretical and empirical extensions to the intelligent career. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2015**, Vancouver, British Columbia (75th), 7-11 August 2015.
- Crowley-Henry M & Doherty N (2014) Acculturation, identity and self-initiated expatriation: theoretical implications. In: Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, 23 June 2014.
- Pilbeam CJ, Davidson R, Denyer D & Doherty N (2014) Networks of influence: safety leadership in service organisations. In: XX World Congress Safety and Health at Work, Frankfurt, 24 August 2014.
- Pilbeam, CJ, Denyer, D, Doherty N & Davidson R (2014) Defining low-hazard environments for common safety: common sense isn''t it?.
- Pilbeam CJ, Davidson R, Doherty N & Denyer D (2014) Networks of influence: safety leadership in service organisations.
- Pilbeam CJ, Denyer D, Doherty N & Davidson R (2014) Defining low-hazard environments for common safety: common sense isn’t it?.
- Davidson R, Pilbeam CJ, Doherty N & Denyer D (2014) Capturing safety awareness through diaries. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2014 BAM2014*, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014.
- Davidson R, Pilbeam CJ, Doherty N & Denyer D (2014) Journey to a distributed safety leadership paradigm: An exploratory study. In: XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, Frankfurt, 24 August 2014.
- Doherty N & Sealy R (2013) Career capital development for female board members. In: BAM 2013: British Academy of Management annual conference, Liverpool, 10 September 2013.
- Sealy R & Doherty N (2013) The symbolic role of the accountancy qualification in legitimising women''s appointment to corporate boards.. In: 6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference, 2013, Athens, 1 July 2013.
- Crowley-Henry M & Doherty N (2012) Global mobility and identity (re)construction: an ''identification'' perspective. In: EGOS 28th Colloquium, Helsinki, 5 July 2012.
- Thorn K & Doherty N (2012) Serial mobility: Managing an unstable workforce.. In: ANZAM 2012 26th annual conference, Perth, 5 December 2012.
- Sealy R & Doherty N (2012) Role models for senior women in investment banking: Affective and symbolic values.. In: 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 3 August 2012.
- Doherty N & Richardson J (2012) Managing international mobility in academic careers: A multiple stakeholder perspective. In: 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 3 August 2012.
- Doherty N (2009) International assignments in the third sector. In: EGOS 25th Colloquium, Barcelona.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2009) Factors driving expatriation: Comparing self-initiated and company-backed expatriates. In: 2009 Academy of Management annual meeting: green management matters, Chicago, IL, 7 August 2009.
- Dickmann M, Doherty N & Mills T (2008) Exploring differences in drivers of self-initiated and company-sent expatriates. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2008, Anaheim, 8 August 2008.
- Dickmann M & Doherty N (2008) Organisational and individual perspectives on success in developmental international assignments. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2008, Anaheim, 8 August 2008.
- Doherty N, Dickmann M & Mills T (2008) Determinants of boundary-crossing attitudes and behaviours.. In: European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology 2008 Conference, Vrije University, 12 March 2008.
- Dickmann M & Doherty N (2008) Exploring Individual and Organisational Career Goals, Interactions and Outcomes of Developmental International Assignments. In: 4th Workshop on Expatriation, EIASM, Las Palmas.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2008) Self-initiated expatriates - corporate asset or a liability. In: 4th Workshop on Expatriation, EIASM, Las Palmas.
- Doherty N, Dickmann M & Mills T (2008) Career activists or active careerists? Upsetting the status quo of expatriate career management. In: EGOS 24th Colloquium, Amsterdam.
- Dickmann M & Doherty N (2007) Assessing the success of international assignments in three fast-moving consumer goods organizations. In: 23rd EGOS Colloquium, Vienna.
- Doherty N (2007) Determinants of boundary-crossing among young people in the European Union context. In: XIIIth European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm.
- Doherty N & Tyson S (2007) HR Challenges of managing careers and talent development in the global context: Cases from the UK. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Dickmann M & Doherty N (2006) The meaning of success in expatriation. In: EGOS 22nd Colloquium, Bergen.
- Dickmann M, Doherty N & Brewster C (2006) Why do they go? Individual and corporate perspectives on the factors inflencing the decision to accept an international assignment. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta.
- Doherty N, Dickmann M & Brewster C (2006) Using the career capital of assignments back home. The "career wobble". In: British Academy of Management Conference BAM 2006*, Belfast, N. Ireland, 12 September 2016 - 14 September 2006.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2005) Accumulating and utilizing the capital of global careers. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Oxford.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2005) The symbolic capital of international assignments: Linking career capital accumulation to human capital utilization. In: EGOS 21st Colloquium, Berlin.
- Doherty N & Tyson S (1998) HRM and Employee Well-Being - Raising the Ethical Stakes. In: 2nd UK Conference on Ethical Issues in Contemporary HRM, London.
- Doherty N (1998) Mental Well-Being in the Workplace: Building the Business Case. In: Society of Occupational Medicine Spring Meeting, London.
- Doherty N (1996) Surviving Organisational Change: The Impact on the Psychological Contract. In: Changes in the Psychological Contract Workshop, Tilburg.
- Adamson S, Doherty N & Viney C (1996) Thirty Years On: What have we learned about careers?. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Birmingham.
- Davidson R, Pilbeam CJ, Doherty N & Denyer D Journey to a distributed safety leadership paradigm: an exploratory study. In: XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014, Frankfurt, 24 August 2014.
- Doherty N & Thorn K (2014) Self-initiated expatriation through a gendered lens. In: Research Handbook on Women in International Management. Hutchings K, Michailova S (ed.), Edward Elgar, p. 279-303.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2013) Self-initiated Expatriation: Drivers, Employment Experience and Career Outcomes. In: Self-initiated Expatriation: Individual, Organizational and National Perspectives. Andersen M, Al Ariss A, Walther M, Wolff K (ed.), Routledge, p. 122-142.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2013) Self-Initiated and Assigned Expatriates: Talent Management and Career Considerations. In: Talent Managed of Self-Initiated Expatriates: A Neglected Source of Global Talent. Vaiman V, Haslberger A (ed.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 234-255.
- Doherty N & Dickmann M (2008) Capitalising on an international career: Career capital perspectives. In: International Human Resource Management - The European Perspective. Brewster C, Sparrow P, Dickmann M (ed.), Routledge, p. 240-262.
- Doherty N, Brewster C, Suutari V & Dickmann M (2008) Repatriation: The end or the middle?. In: International Human Resource Management - The European Perspective. Brewster C, Sparrow P, Dickmann M (ed.), Routledge, p. 174-191.
- Doherty N (2008) Expatriation in the talent management equation. In: Leadership Learning: Knowledge into Action. Turnbull James K, Collins J (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan, p. 201-214.
- Doherty N & Tyson S (2002) The Management of High Potentials - UK Perspective. In: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Leadership Development. Derr C, Roussillon S, Bournois F (ed.), Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
- Doherty N (2002) Mental well-being in the workplace-building the business case. In: Work and Mental Health An Employers Guide. Miller D, Lipsedge M, Litchfield P (ed.), Gaskell & Faculty of Occupational Medicine.
- Doherty N & Tyson S (2000) HRM and Employee Well-being: Raising the Ethical Stakes. In: Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management. Winstanley D, Woodall J (ed.), London: MacMillan, p. 102-115.
- Doherty N & Tyson S (1998) La tradition britannique de selection des hauts potentiels. In: Preparer les dirigeants de demain. Une approche de la gestion des cardres a haute potentiel, Paris: Edition d''Organisation.
- Doherty N & Tyson S (1998) Mental Well-Being in the Workplace: A Resource Pack for Management Training and Development. HSE Books.
- Doherty N (1997) Downsizing. In: The Practice of Human Resource Strategy, Pitman.
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