Oliver Williams

Associate Professor at Mendoza College of Business


  • Mendoza College of Business




Mendoza College of Business

Oliver Williams, C.S.C. specializes in the areas of business ethics, corporate governance, and Catholic social teaching. Williams is the editor or author of 22 books as well as numerous articles on business ethics in journals. He is the Director of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. A former Naval Officer, Williams earned his doctorate from Vanderbilt University and his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Notre Dame. He is a Catholic priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross. He served as Associate Provost of the University of Notre Dame from 1987-94 and is a past chair of the Social Issues Division of the Academy of Management. He was elected as a Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University in South Africa in 2014. In 2006, he was appointed a member of the three-person Board of Directors at the United Nations Global Compact Foundation. The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative with over 8,000 businesses around the world as members.

Areas of Expertise


Catholic Social Teaching

Business Ethics

Corporate Governance


BS, University of Notre Dame

MS, University of Notre Dame

Ph D, Vanderbilt University


Spirituality of Work

United Nations Global Compact

Sustainable Development: The UN Global Compact


"Adapting to and Expanding the Social Expectations on Business: The Common Theme in Laudato Si and the UN Sustainable Development Goals", Journal of Corporate Citizenship/Greenleaf Publishing, 64, 2016.

"Sustainable Value For Stakeholders", Global Compact International Yearbook 2015/ Macondo, 2015.

"The United Nations Global Compact: What Did It Promise?", Journal of Business Ethics, 25, 2014.

"CSR: Will It Change the World?", Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 18, 2014.

"Advancing Human Rights in Developing Countries: A Voluntary Opportunity or a Moral Obligation for Business?", Peace Forum, 28, 2012.

"The Business Leader of the 21st Century: Catholic Social Teaching as a Moral Compass", Journal of the Labor-Pastoral Council, Archdiocese of Seoul, 2012.

"Is It Possible to Have a Business Based on Solidarity and Mutual Trust? The Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching to Capitalism and the Promise of Southwest Airlines", Journal of Catholic Social Thought, 9, 2011.

"Recasting the Bottom Line: The Role of the Principles for Responsible Management Education in Educating for Capitalism in the 21st Century", Praxis: Journal for Christian Business Leadership, 17, 2009.


"Baptismal Witness in the World of Commerece", Wipf & Stock Publishers,

"Catholic Social Teaching: Some Implications for Business Leadership", Business Ethics: Wiley''s Encyclopedia of Management, November 2014

"The United Nations Global Compact", Business Ethics, Wiley''s Encyclopedia of Management, November 2014

"Sustainable Developement: The U.N. Millennium Development Goals, The U.N. Global Compact and The Common Good", University of Notre Dame Press, March 2014

"Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Business in Sustainable Development", Routledge, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2014

"Business in Society: A Changing Role", Handbook of Spirituality and Business/Palgrave; ed. Laszlo Zsolnai, December 2011

"Peace Through Commerce: Responsible Corporate Citizenship and the Ideals of the UN Global Compact", University of Notre Dame Press, September 2008


Notre Dame Alumni Club of Hartford, "Doing Well While Doing Good: The Challenge" (November 10, 2016).

Dayton Notre Dame Alumni Club, "Recent Catholic Social Thought and Business Practice" (October 20, 2016).

Atlanta Notre Dame Alumni Club, "The Global Compact and the UN Sustainability Development Goals" (September 22, 2016).

United Nations Global Compact Leaders'' Summit, "The UNGC and the University" (June 22, 2016).

Nelson Mandela Municipal University, South Africa, "Business and the UN Sustainability Development Goals" (May 27, 2016).

Inland Sea of Japan and South Korea/Notre Dame Alumni Association, "The Role of Business in Society" (May 4, 2016).

National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA)/ University of Notre Dame, "The Role of Ethical Reflection" (April 28, 2016).

Ethics Week/ Lewis University, "Sustainability and a Religious Vision" (April 21, 2016).

The UN Global Compact and the Encyclical Laudato Si/ University of Notre Dame, "A Global Compact for Sustainable Development: Advancing Care for our Common Home" (April 3, 2016).

Mobile Notre Dame Alumni Club, "Spirituality and Business" (March 10, 2016).

United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, "Business Leadership and Sustainability" (February 29, 2016).

Albuquerque Notre Dame Alumni Club, "Business as a Noble Vocation" (November 12, 2015).

Orlando Notre Dame Alumni Club, "Doing Well and Doing Good: The Challenge" (October 29, 2015).

Minneapolis/Saint Paul Notre Dame Alumni Club, "Business and Sustainable Development" (October 22, 2015).

Business Ethics/Saint Edward''s University, Austin, Texas, "The Role of Business in Sustainable Development" (September 22, 2015).

What We Have Seen and Heard: Fostering Baptismal Witness in the World, Theology Department, University of Notre Dame, "Baptismal Witness in the World of Commerce" (June 23, 2015).

A Transformation Strategy for the Wine Industry, Cape Town, South Africa, "Business and Peacebuilding" (June 03, 2015).

Nelson Mandela Municipal University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, "Ethics and Leadership" (May 29, 2015).

Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, "Leadership and the Changing Role of Business in Society" (May 28, 2015).

Business Ethics Network Africa (BEN-Africa), Johannesburg, South Africa, "International Trends Pertaining to Ethics Offices: Challenges and Opportunities" (May 19, 2015).

Barclays Bank Executives/ Johannesburg, South Africa, "Corporate Social Responsibility: A Work in Progress" (May 18, 2015).

Moreau Seminary Conference, University of Notre Dame, "The Vocation of a Business Leader" (April 23, 2015).

Kellogg Institute Asia Working Group, University of Notre Dame, "Creating Shared Value on the Korean Peninsula" (April 21, 2015).

Advancing Business and Human Rights Agenda/ Law School, University of Notre Dame, "Advancing Human Rights in Developing Countries: A Moral Obligation or a Voluntary Initiative?" (April 10, 2015).

Notre Dame Alumni Trip to Africa, "Various Lectures About the Role of Business in Overcoming Poverty" (March 17, 2015).

Ethics Week/ University of Notre Dame Business School, "Ethical Challenges Around the World: North Korea" (February 11, 2015).

Orange County Notre Dame Alumni Club, "Business and Sustainable Development" (January 23, 2015).

Hesburgh Lecture, "Can You Do Well While Doing Good" (December 07, 2014).

United Nations University, "Sustainability in Developing Countries" (October 22, 2014).

Keio University, Mita Campus, "The UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development" (October 20, 2014).

Hesburgh Lecture, "Business and Catholic Social Teaching" (October 16, 2014).

Hesburgh Lecture, "Sustainable Development: The Challenge for Business" (September 15, 2014).

Hesburgh Lecture, "Ethics in Business Today" (September 11, 2014).

Showcase Symposium, "The Contested Narure of the UN Global Compact" (August 03, 2014).

2014 Annual Meeting, "The Religious Perspective on Bribery" (August 02, 2014).

Korea-ASEAN Youth-CSR Conference, "CSR Trends and Best Practices" (July 03, 2014).

St Augustine College, "Economics and Ethics of Sustainable Development" (June 19, 2014).

Institute for Advanced Studies, "The Role of Business in Sustainable Development" (June 03, 2014).

CSR: The Role of Business in Sustainable Development, "Sustainable Development" (May 30, 2014).

Global Landscapes Conference/ King''s College, "Economics and Ethics of Sustainable Development" (April 14, 2014).

Business Ethics Conference for Deans of Catholic Schools of Business, "Catholic Social Teaching and Business Practice" (March 31, 2014).

The Annual St. Joseph Aquinas Lecture and Hesburgh Lecture, "Can You Do Well While Doing Good?" (March 25, 2014).

Stonehill Collete, "Environmental Justice and Economic Development" (March 24, 2014).

Hesburgh Lecture, "Can You Do Well While Doing Good?" (March 20, 2014).

Hesburgh Lecture, "Can You Do Well By Doing Good?" (January 18, 2014).

McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility, "The Distinctive Vocation of Business Education in Catholic Colleges and Universities" (October 04, 2013).

The Global Collaborative Global Dialogue Series, "A Dialogue on Peace Through Commerce" (July 16, 2013).

The Next Society Forum, "A Creative Economy in a Global Perspective: Some Ethical Reflections" (June 26, 2013).

Sogang University, "Teaching Business Ethics: The Challenge and the Promise" (June 18, 2013).

The University of Cape Town, "The Purpose of Business: A Work in Progress" (May 17, 2013).

Radio Interview, "Korean Business and CSR" (May 14, 2013).

Conference, "Peace Through Commerce" (May 03, 2013).

The Graduate Institute of Peace (GIP), "Peace Through Commerce: The Possibilities" (April 10, 2013).

Diamond Jubilee Lecture, "Peace Through Commerce: The Global Corporate Role in Promoting More Peaceful Societies" (February 12, 2013).

De La Salle University, "Research in Business Ethics: Catholic Social Teaching and CSR" (February 08, 2013).

The Catholic Educators Association of the Philippines, "Business for the Common Good: The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Principles for Responsibile Management Education (PRME)" (February 07, 2013).

The Asian Institute of Management (AIM), "Corporate Social Responsibility" (February 05, 2013).

De La Salle University, "The Business Leader of the 21st Century: Catholic Social Teaching As A Moral Compass" (January 31, 2013).

De La Salle University, "Responsible Corporate Citizenship: A Research Perspective" (January 30, 2013).

, "Sustainable Development: The Challenge for Business" (January 30, 2013).

Ford Family Program on Human Development Studies, "Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights" (October 27, 2010).

Global Collaborative and Global Governance, "The United Nations Global Compact: Strengths and Weaknesses" (July 2010).

Korean Local Network of Companies of the UN Global Compact, "Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: The Challenge for Business" (July 27, 2010).

Heart to Heart, "30 Minute TV Interview on UN Global Compact" (July 13, 2010).

Human Resource Managers of South Korea, "What is the Social Responsibility of Business?" (July 8, 2010).

Notre Dame Club of Philadelphia, "Recent Catholic Social Thought, The Challenge and the Promise" (December 16, 2009).

Net Impact Annual Meeting, "The Vision of the UN Global Compact" (November 14, 2009).

Club of 20 Presidents, "Ethics and the Financial Crisis" (September 25, 2009).

Mendoza College of Business, Univ of Notre Dame, "The Un Global Compact and Net Impact" (August 24, 2009).

University of Cape Town Faculty Seminar, "The Role of the Principles for Responsible Management Education(PRME)" (August 4, 2009).

Nelson Mandela University, "Ethics for Business in the 21st Century" (June 11, 2009).

The World Civic Forum, "Educating for Capitalism in the 21st Century: The Role of the Principles for Responsible Management Education(PRME)" (May 7, 2009).

Can Shareholder Interests and Society''s Interests Be Aligned?, "The Role of the UN Global Compact" (April 27, 2009).

Notre Dame Club of Fort Wayne, "Business Ethics in the 21st Century" (March 23, 2009).

Dominican University Series on Globalization, Sustainabliity and U.S., "Recasting the Bottom Line" (March 19, 2009).


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