Olivier Bachelard
- EMLYON Business School
EMLYON Business School
Management, Law and Human Resources
My teaching, my research, and my actions are based on the belief that any lasting collective performance is driven by a culture based on results, objectivity and responsibility, provided that it is supported by recognition of subjectivity, a shared vision, a sense of purpose, self-confidence and confidence in others, courage and pleasure.
2008 Accreditation to supervise research, PANTHEON-ASSAS Paris II University.
2002 Doctorate in Management Sciences, PANTHEON-ASSAS Paris II University.
1993 Masters (DEA) in Socio-Economic Management, Lyon II University.
1990 Postgraduate diploma (DESS) in Work Psychology, LYON II University.
Since September 1, 2014, EM LYON, Head of EM LYON's Saint-Etienne Campus
From 2012 to August 2014, ESC SAINT-ETIENNE, Director delegate of the Saint-Etienne ESC
From 2009 to 2011, EN3S (French national social security school), Director of Continuing Education (secondment).
From 1993 to 2008, ESC SAINT-ETIENNE, professor and head of HR department
From 1991 to 1993, EMLYON, study director
Committee member of the review "Question(s) de management".
Member of the scientific council of "Profession cadre, service public".
Human Resource Management, Health & Safety at Work, Diversity, Team management, project management
Member of the Académie de l’Ethique (Ethics Academy): This non-profit organization, dedicated to thinking on ethics as a key component for the future of our societies, brings together people from different cultures.
Member of the International Institute of Social Audit (IAS): for over 30 years this association has been promoting the practice of social audit in France and abroad, and most recently social responsibility of companies. This non-profit association brings together practitioners and academics who, through their work, contribute to the promotion and the development of social audit concepts and methodologies.
A member of the French Human Resource Management Association (Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines - AGRH), a non-profit organization, aiming to promote research and training in Human Resources Management in the French-speaking community. Co-founder and co-principal investigator of the thematic group Health & Safety at Work (Sécurité au Travail) with E. Abord De Chatillon, a professor at the University of Grenoble.
Project management and team management, BBA Year 1
Project Management, Master in Management of Technology
Social sciences for the manager, BBA Year 2
Sustainable development, BBA Year 2
Human Resource Management BBA Year 3
Health & Safety at Work: integrating changing environmental and organizational imperatives in order to change management practices in a move towards employee health within the meaning of WHO. Health is not the absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The new forms of organization strongly impact team management. Management through sense-making offers constructive paths for managers oriented by missions, goals to be achieved and the challenges of change. There is a move from traditional leadership to a more spiritual leadership.
Diversity and equal opportunities: the aim is to promote diversity in companies, to inform, encourage and develop this approach with various partners, taking over from associations and unions. Beyond our republican values, our work aims to develop practices that are virtuous and effective in socio-economic terms.
Human resources management is facing new challenges to change the social and psychological contract between employees and their company (changing expectations of customers, for example in recruitment, social responsibility, changing activities and the balance between economic and social performance).
Bachelard O., Beeler B., Magakian J.L., (2014),La sensibilisation aux enjeux de la santé et la sécurité au travail en GRH: proposition d’une approche Dialogique, 25th AGRH congress, Chester, November 6 and 7, 2014.
Bachelard O., Cimbaro Y., Héritier N., (2014),L’apprentissage vecteur d’’égalité des chances dans l’enseignement supérieur : Label diversité, cas du CFA Formasup Ain, Rhône, Loire, 10th International Diversity Conference, Pau, October 2, 3 and 4, 2014.
Bachelard O., MAO J., (2014),Audit social et RSE en chine : quelles spécificités ?, 16th Spring University of Social Audit, Beijing, May 26, 27 and 28, 2014.
Bachelard O., Hervet G., (2013), «L’analyse du discours des dirigeants d’écoles de commerce sur l’intériorisation des normes », 31st Summer University of Social Audit, Mons, August 29 and 30 2013.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier. 2016. G.R.H., santé et performance durable: le travail au coeur des P.M.I..Forum, 149: 13-22 p.
‑ CHAKOR, Tarik, ABORD DE CHATILLON, Emmanuel, , Bachelard, Olivier. 2015. La santé et sécurité au travail au sein des congrès de la communauté AGRH: retour sur 25 ans de travaux et perspectives futures de recherche.@GRH, 2015/2 (15): 127-165 P. BOOKS (7) ‑ Bachelard, Olivier. 2017. Le bien-être au travail. Rennes: Presses de l'EHESP 199 p.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier, Normand, Romuald. 2014. Vers un leadership au service du management public : favoriser l'émergence de compétences collectives.: Réseau Canopé 256 P.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier, Normand, Romuald. 2014. Vers un leadership au service du management public: favoriser l'émergence de compétences collectives. Futuroscope: Canopé-CNDP 255 p.
‑ ABORD DE CHATILLON, Emmanuel, Bachelard, Olivier, , Carpentier, Stéphanie. 2012. Risques psychosociaux, santé et sécurité au travail : une perspective managériale.: Vuibert 368 P.
‑ ALEMANNO-PARRINI, Sylvie, Bachelard, Olivier, , BOURRET, Christian. 2011. Des Méthodes Au Coeur Des Sciences De L'information Et De La Communication.: Ovadia 383 P.
‑ Grasset, Yves, Debout, Michel, , Bachelard, Olivier, , Rouat, Sabrina. 2011. Risques psychosociaux au travail: vraies questions, bonnes réponses. Paris: Liaisons 285 p.
‑ Grasset, Yves, Debout, Michel, , Rouat, Sabrina, , Bachelard, Olivier. 2011. Risques psychosociaux au travail : Vraies questions, bonnes réponses. 2è édition.: Liaisons 285 P.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2017. Bien-être et efficacité des agents chargés du service public., Le bien-être au travail. : Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP, 123-133 p.
‑ Soenen, Guillaume. 2017. Santé au travail: le rôle de l'injustice organisationnelle comme facteur de stress., Le bien-être au travail. : Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP, 165-174 p.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier. 2017. Introduction., Le bien-être au travail. : Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP, 9-12 p.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier. 2017. Conclusion., Le bien-être au travail. : Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP, 179-183 p.
‑ Gomez, Pierre-Yves. 2017. La perte du sens au travail: fondements économiques d'une crise., Le bien-être au travail. : Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP, 105-115 p.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier. 2013. Recruter aujourd'hui: une démarche globale, individualisée et composite., Le recrutement responsable - Pour réenchanter la relation candidats-entreprises. : AFNOR, 95-101 P.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier, MALRIC, Didier. 2011. La RSE au sein du service public de sécurité sociale., RSE, entre globalisation et développement durable. : De Boeck, 25-37 P.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier, COLLOMB, A., , DESLANDES, A.. 2011. Le métier de cadre dirigeant à la sécurité sociale: Tous leaders : Faire de chaque collaborateur un authentique leader., Tous leaders : Faire de chaque collaborateur un authentique leader. : Editions d'Organisation, 255-269 P.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier, Carpentier, Stéphanie. 2010. Cas KIVENTOU., Pratiques de GRH dans les pays francophones : 48 études de cas. : Vuibert, 225-237 P.
‑ Bachelard, Olivier, VAUTIER, Camille. 2010. Les valeurs de service public: un double étayage par l'éthique et la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises., Ethique et responsabilité sociale : 78 experts témoignent. Mélanges en l'honneur de Michel Joras. : EMS, 225-235 P.
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