Pamela Hanrahan

Professor of Commercial Law and Regulation, Deputy Head of School (Research) at UNSW Business School


  • UNSW Business School



UNSW Business School

Professor Pamela Hanrahan is Professor of Commercial Law and Regulation. She is one of Australia's leading authorities on financial services law and regulation. In addition to her academic career at the UNSW Business School and, previously, the Melbourne Law School and as a Visitor at the Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law at the University of Cambridge, she has over 15 years' experience as a lawyer in private practice and four years as a senior regulator in Australian Commonwealth and State government agencies.

From 2008-2010, Pamela was head of the Investment Managers stakeholder team at ASIC and a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions’ Technical Committee 5 on collective investments. Her responsibilities included dealing with the aftermath of high profile and complex investment scheme collapses including frozen mortgage funds and failed agribusiness and infrastructure schemes, and the Trio Capital fraud. In 2010-2011 she was Special Counsel at ASIC and the ASIC Regional Commissioner for Queensland. From 2013-2015, she was Registrar of Community Housing for New South Wales.

Pamela has published widely in the areas of financial services regulation, funds management and superannuation law, and corporations and securities law. She has taught corporations law at the undergraduate and graduate level, and managed investments law and financial services law at the Masters level, at the Melbourne Law School for over a decade, and is a former director of studies in banking and financial services law for the Melbourne Law Masters. In the financial services area, her books include Managed Investments Law & Practice (CCH, looseleaf, 1999 - 2017), which is the leading Australian text on the law of managed investment schemes, and Funds Management in Australia: Officers' Duties and Liabilities (LexisNexis, 2007), which provides a detailed treatment of directors’ and other officers’ legal responsibilities across a range of Australian collective investment vehicles. In corporations and securities law, she is co-author with Professor Bob Baxt AO and Justice Ashley Black of the main securities law treatise in Australia, Securities and Financial Services Law (LexisNexis, 2017) and with Professor John Farrar of Corporate Governance (LexisNexis, 2017). She is lead author of the Australian, Singaporean, Malaysian and New Zealand editions of the corporations law textbook Commercial Applications of Company Law (OUP, first published CCH 2000, 18th edition 2017). In 2014 she was the Australian Reporter to the International Academy of Comparative Law’s world congress on the law of close corporations.

Pamela holds Honours degrees in Arts and Law from the University of Melbourne, a Masters degree (with Honors) from Case Western Reserve University in the United States, and a Doctorate of Juridical Science from the University of Melbourne. She is a solicitor member of the Law Society of New South Wales, a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and a member of the Section Executive of the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. Pamela is a Senior Visiting Fellow in the Faculty of Law at UNSW Sydney, a Senior Fellow of the Melbourne Law School, a Member of the Centre for Law, Markets and Regulation at UNSW Sydney and an Associate of the Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation at the University of Melbourne.

Journal Articles

  • Manwaring K; Hanrahan P, 2018, 'BEARing responsibility for cyber security in Australian financial institutions: The rising tide of directors’ personal liability' Journal of Banking & Finance Law and Practice (forthcoming), vol. 30
  • Hanrahan P; Yates R, 2018, 'Directors’ duties of oversight: Insights for Australia from recent developments in Delaware’s Caremark jurisprudence' Australian Journal of Corporate Law, vol. 33
  • Hanrahan PF, 2017, 'Deterring white-collar crime: Insights from Australia’s insider trading penalties regime' Law and Financial Markets Review, vol. 11, pp. 61 - 74,
  • Hanrahan P, 2017, 'Corporate and white-collar crime' Law and Financial Markets Review, vol. 11, pp. 53 - 54,
  • Hanrahan P, 2017, 'Fairness and financial services: revisiting the enforcement framework' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 35, pp. 420 - 443
  • Hanrahan P, 2017, 'Corporate governance in these exciting times' Australian Journal of Corporate Law, vol. 32, pp. 142 - 161
  • Hanrahan P, 2016, 'Corporate governance, financial institutions and the “social licence”' Law and Financial Markets Review, vol. 10, pp. 123 - 126,
  • Hanrahan P; Bednall T, 2015, 'Independence of directors affiliated with substantial shareholders: issues of law and corporate governance' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 33, pp. 239 - 265,
  • Hanrahan PF, 2014, 'Should the FSI revisit the philosophy of financial services regulation?' Law and Financial Markets Review, vol. 8, pp. 199 - 203,
  • Hanrahan P; Bednall T, 2013, 'Officers' liability for mandatory corporate disclosure: Two paths, two destinations?' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 31, pp. 474 - 510
  • Hanrahan P, 2013, 'The relationship between equitable and statutory 'best interest' obligations in financial services law' Journal of Equity, vol. 7, pp. 46 - 73
  • Hanrahan P, 2011, 'ASIC and managed investments' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 29, pp. 287 - 312
  • Hanrahan P, 2008, 'Directors' liability in superannuation trustee companies' Journal of Equity, vol. 2, pp. 204 - 224,
  • Hanrahan P, 2008, 'Improving the process of change in Australian financial sector regulation' Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy, vol. 27, pp. 6 - 23,
  • Hanrahan P, 2007, 'Directors' accountability in funds management companies' JASSA, pp. 34 - 40,
  • Hanrahan P, 2001, 'Collective investments: A new regulatory approach for Australian managed investment schemes' The Company Lawyer, vol. 22, pp. 229 - 245
  • Hanrahan P, 1999, 'Managed investment schemes: The position of directors under Chapter 5C of the Corporations Act' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 17, pp. 67 - 84
  • Hanrahan P, 1998, '(Ir)responsible entities: Reforming manager accountability in public unit trusts' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 16, pp. 76 - 92
  • Hanrahan P, 1997, 'The proposed suitability requirement for on-exchange derivatives markets: a critical analysis' Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, pp. 5 - 22
  • Hanrahan P, 1997, 'Distinguishing corporate and personal claims in Australian company litigation' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 15, pp. 21 - 43
  • Hanrahan P, 1994, 'Transactions with related parties by public companies and their child entities under Pt 3.2A of the Corporations Law' Company and Securities Law Journal, vol. 12, pp. 138 - 163


  • Yeo VCS, 2017, Commercial Applications of Company Law in Singapore
  • Hanrahan P; Pamela Ramsay Hanrahan Ian Stapledon G; Ramsay I, 2016, Commercial Applications of Company Law 2016
  • Hanrahan P; Ramsay I; Stapledon G, 2016, Commercial Applications of Company Law 2017
  • Hanrahan P; Baxt R; Black A, 2016, Securities and Financial Services Law, 9, LexisNexis Butterworths, Sydney
  • Robert Black Baxt Ashley Hanrahan P; Black A; Hanrahan P, 2016, Securities and Financial Services Law, 9th Edition
  • Hanrahan P; Ramsey I; Stapledon G, 2015, Commercial Applications of Company Law 2015
  • Walker GR; Pekmezovic A; Hanrahan PF; Ramsay IM; Stapledon GP, 2015, Commercial Applications of Company Law in New Zealand
  • Hanrahan P, 2014, Commercial Applications of Company Law 2014, 15, CCH Australia, Sydney
  • Hanrahan P; Ramsay IM; Stapledon G, 2013, Commercial Applications of Company Law 2013
  • Baxt R; Black A; Hanrahan PF, 2012, Securities and Financial Services Law, Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Hanrahan P; ramsay I; stapledon G, 2012, Commercial Applications of Company Law 2012, 13, LexisNexis Butterworths, Sydney
  • Hanrahan PF; Ramsay IM; Stapledon G, 2009, Commercial Applications of Company Law 2009
  • Walker GR; Stapledon GWTRPHIRAG, 2009, Commercial Applications of Company Law in New Zealand, CCH New Zealand Limited
  • Venkatesh S, 2009, Corporate governance,
  • Hanrahan PF; Hanrahan P, 2007, Funds Management in Australia Officers' Duties and Liabilities
  • Hanrahan P; Sulaiman ANM; Ramsay IM; Bidin A; Stapledon G, 2002, Commercial Applications of Company Law in Malaysia, CCH Asia
  • Walker GR, 2002, Commercial Applications of Company Law New Zealand Edition
  • Hanrahan PF, 1999, Managed Investments Law & Practice
  • Hanrahan PF, 1998, Managed Investments Law


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