Paul Bennett
Senior Lecturer - Human Resource Management at Bristol Business School
- Bristol Business School
Bristol Business School
My research explores the relationship between identity performance and gendered organisational cultures and discourses. My PhD thesis examined the impact of Neighbourhood Policing (NP) on police staff within the British Police service. NP become an integral part of policing and has had a significant impact on the skills and competencies needed to police effectively. The research has highlighted the conflict between the 'softer' discourses of NP and the harder, more masculine discourses of 'real' police work. My research seeks to highlight the complex processes that PCs and PCSOs engage in as they reconstruct meanings around policing practice and occupational identities.
Drew, H., Page, D. and Bennett, P. (2013) How CESR informs student research: The engaging in critical business enquiry module at UWE. CESR Review. Available from: '
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