Paul DeMarco

Director Rheumatology Fellowship Training Program, NIAMS / Faculty at Harvard Medical School


  • Harvard Medical School




Harvard Medical School

Paul DeMarco, M.D., graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine while receiving a Health Professionals Scholarship through the United States Naval Reserves. Starting in family practice, he enjoyed serving as the Medical Officer aboard the USS Denver, LPD-9 and then resumed training at Naval Medical Center, San Diego as an internal medicine resident.

After completing a rheumatology fellowship at the Scripps Clinic and Research Institute, Dr. DeMarco returned to the Naval Medical Center to practice rheumatology. Later, he served as Division Head of Rheumatology. He worked with The Marshfield Clinic at the Wausau, Minocqua, and Marshfield Centers, then transitioned to academic practice in the Division of Rheumatology, Washington Hospital Center (WHC), where he worked as an associate fellowship program director.

He shifted to community care with Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates PC (ARAPC) where he became the Medical Director for the Center of Rheumatology and Bone Research. Dr. DeMarco established a clinical ultrasound section at ARAPC; his knowledge of ultrasound and its application in clinical practice resulted in opportunities to teach the rheumatology community at large.

He was one of the first rheumatologists to achieve RhMSUS certification. Working with the Ultrasound School of North American Rheumatologists (USSONAR), Dr. DeMarco has mentored fellows and attendings in the use of ultrasound since 2012; he served on the Board of Directors, acting as President of USSONAR from 2018-2021.

He is a regularly invited lecturer at the national level, including courses overseen by the American College of Rheumatology.

Research Statement

Dr. DeMarco has conducted pharmaceutical company-based research and investigator-initiated research projects during his tenure as Medical Director of the Center for Rheumatology and Bone Research. These endeavors included, but were not limited to, trials in therapeutics for rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, gouty arthritis, osteoarthritis, and Sjögren’s syndrome. Dr. DeMarco has explored applications of ultrasound for inflammatory joint disease and elastography in Dupuytren’s contractures.

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