Paul Lyons

Adjunct Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin


  • Trinity College Dublin




Trinity College Dublin

Dr. Paul Lyons is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Trinity Business School, where he has lectured in the areas of international business, supply chain management, global business services and digital technology applications to business. He is also the coordinator within the School for the Pathways to Business programme which aims to increase student numbers from lower socio-economic groups and to support these students during their studies.

Paul has previously taught in UCD Smurfit Business School and he is an Adjunct Faculty Member in the Irish Management Institute where he has delivered executive education focusing on multinational subsidiary strategy. He is also currently an external member of the Audit Committee for Revenue, Irish Tax and Customs.

Prior to commencing his academic career he worked for 30 years with IBM. This included 17 years where he held executive responsibilities for internal international shared services functions, and was the Account Director for a number of IBM’s largest services outsourcing customers in the UK and Ireland.

He holds a BSc in Computer Science an MSc in Management, and a PhD, all awarded by Trinity College, Dublin. His PhD research focused on the evolution of relationships between clients and suppliers engaged in long-term services outsourcing contracts.


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