Pedro Mediano

Lecturer in Computing at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London

Long ago, when the temperature of the universe was around 108 K, I did a Physics degree at the University of Valencia, Spain, truncating what could have otherwise been a promising career as a jazz melodica player. When I decided that neutrinos were interesting but not quite for me, I did a PhD at Imperial College and a postdoc at the University of Cambridge, where I (rather unsuccessfully, in all fairness) tried to solve the mysteries of consciousness and complexity. At the moment I continue to fail to solve consciousness and artificial intelligence as a lecturer at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London.

Broadly speaking, my research lies at the intersection between consciousness science, information theory, complexity science, and machine learning. I strive to ground my research in solid mathematical and theoretical grounds, and whenever possible I publish open-source software to make my research accessible and reproducible. I also have a few online talks for both technical and general audiences you can find in this website.

I often team up with my fantastic friends and collaborators Fernando Rosas and Andrea Luppi. They do awesome stuff, check out their papers too!


  • Imperial College London (2013 — 2014)
  • Grado University of Valencia (2010 — 2014)


  • Lecturer in Computing Imperial College London (2022)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher University of Cambridge (2019 — 2022)
  • PhD student Imperial College London (2014 — 2019)
  • Research Intern DeepMind (2018 — 2018)
  • Research Scientist Emotech LTD (2015 — 2017)


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