Peter Gomber

Professor bei University of Frankfurt



Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber holds the Chair of e-Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany. He is Co-Chairman and member of the Board of the “efl – the Data Science Institute”, an industry-academic partnership between Frankfurt and Darmstadt Universities, and leading industry partners (e.g., Deutsche Börse, DZ Bank, Finanz Informatik, and FactSet).

Since 2011, Prof. Gomber is a member of the Exchange Council of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Deputy Chairman of its Standing Committee. Furthermore, he is a member of the Supervisory Board of Clearstream Banking AG and Chairman of its Audit Committee. Between 2008 and 2020, Prof. Gomber was a member of the Supervisory Board of b-next AG, Herford, and served as Chairman and Deputy Chairman. He also is a member of the Advisory Board of Capveriant GmbH, Garching, and a member of the Academic Committee of the “Deutsches Aktieninstitut”. Furthermore, he is member of the Academic Advisory Board of Plato Partnership, London, since 2017. From 2012-2018, Prof. Gomber was a member of the Consultative Working Group of the Secondary Market Standing Committee of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). He completed the examination for “Qualifizierter Aufsichtsrat” (Qualified Member of the Supervisory Board) certified by Deutsche Börse AG in 2020. Since 2020, Peter Gomber is a Research Fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE in Frankfurt.

Herr Prof. Gomber received appointments to a professorship by the University of Bamberg (Chair of Information Systems) in 2004, by the University of Mannheim (Chair of Information Systems) in 2009 and by the University of Luxembourg (Chair in Digital Financial Services) in 2018.

Prof. Gomber’s academic work focuses on market microstructure theory, digital finance and fintech, regulatory impact on financial markets, and innovative concepts for electronic trading systems. He is Editor-in-Chief of the “efl Insights”, Associate Editor of the “International Journal of Electronic Banking” and member of the Editorial Boards of the “Journal of Financial Transformation“ and the “Journal Electronic Markets“. He also served as Special Issue Editor on fintech for the “Journal of Management Information Systems“.

He published more than 150 research papers on the above topics. Many of them in leading international journals (e.g., Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Empirical Finance). Prof. Gomber received the IBM Shared University Research Grant in 2007, the Reuters Innovation Award 2000, the University Award of the DAI 1999, and multiple best paper awards of international conferences. In 2020, he and his co-authors received the “Best Paper Award” of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and the “Best Information Systems Publications Award” of the Association for Information Systems, which is the highest international publication award in information systems.

Beside his teaching responsibilities in Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. courses at the University of Frankfurt, Prof. Gomber held executive courses at Goethe Business School, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Amsterdam Institute of Finance, ADG Business School and Deutsche Börse Capital Markets Academy.

Prof. Gomber acquired significant research funds from public institutions and the private sector. A market model invention by Prof. Gomber was granted a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office; two market model inventions were filed for patent in Europe and the US.

Before joining the University of Frankfurt in 2004, Prof. Gomber worked for five years as a Director, Head of Market Development Cash Markets and Xetra Research at Deutsche Börse AG, Frankfurt. In this role, he developed new market models and products for cash market trading on Xetra. Furthermore, he headed strategic and regulatory projects and was responsible for the provision of Xetra and Eurex Backend Insourcing and Technology Sales Services to international exchanges (e.g. the exchanges in Dublin, Vienna and Shanghai).

Prof. Gomber graduated in Business Administration and acquired his Ph.D. at the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Giessen, Germany, in 1999.

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