Peter Kay Chai Tay

Assistant Professor, Health and Social Sciences at Singapore Institute of Technology


Research Interests

  • Assess physical and mental wellbeing among individuals with cognitive and behavioral challenges (e.g., persons with dementia, prison inmates)
  • Use mixed methodologies to evaluate intervention programs for individuals with physical and psychosocial challenges (e.g., people with low vision)
  • Examine cognitive processing of social stimuli (e.g., memory for faces)

SIT Appointments

  • Assistant Professor
    2020 – Present


  • PhD (Psychology)
    Singapore Management University , Singapore
  • MSocSci (Psychology)
    National University of Singapore , Singapore
  • BArts (Psychology and Linguistics)
    The University of Melbourne , Australia

Professional Memberships

  • Psychonomic Society
    2020 – Present
  • American Psychological Association
    2020 – Present
  • Singapore Psychological Society
    2020 – Present
  • Corporate Experience
    Consultant, Nexus Link Market Research Pte Ltd
    2019 Present
  • Review Editor, Frontiers in Psychology (Educational Psychology)
    2014 Present
  • Consultant, Work & Health Psychologists (WHP)
    2014 Present


  • Chan, A., Malhotra, R., Manap, N.B., Ting, Y.Y., Visaria, A., Cheng, G.H-L., Goh, V.S.M., Tay, P.K.C., Lee, J.M.L., & Maulod, A. (2018). Transitions in Health, Employment, Social Engagement and Inter-generational Transfers in Singapore Study (THE SIGNS Study) – I. Singapore: Centre for Ageing Research and Education.

  • Wong, C., Cheong, C. Y., Ginting, M. L., Pullen, R., Tay, P. K. C., & Chan, A. (2018).
    Singapore. In E. Loichinger & W. Pothisiri (Eds.), Care for Older Persons in ASEAN+3: The Role of Families and Local and National Support Systems (pp. 203-242). Bangkok, Thailand: Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

  • Chan, W. C. S., Kua, E. H., Tsoi, T., Xiao, C., & Tay, K. C. P. (2012). Dementia: How to care for your loved one and yourself. A caregiver's guide. Singapore: Nu-earth.

  • Tay, K. C. P. (2012). Lateralized visuospatial and facial emotional processing in males: Relationship to 2D:4D finger length ratio. Saarbrucken, Deutschland: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Journal Papers

Tay, P. K. C., & Lim, K. K. (2020). Psychological Resilience as an Emergent Characteristic for Well-Being: A Pragmatic View. Gerontology,

Tay, P. K. C., Chan, A., Tan, P. J., & Wong, C. H. (2020). Sex Differences in Perceptions toward Falls among Older Adults Living in the Community in Singapore. Journal of Aging and Health.

Tay, P. K. C., Ting, Y. Y., & Tan, K. Y. (2019). Sex and Care: The Evolutionary Psychological Explanations for Sex Differences in Formal Care Occupations. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(867).

Tay, P. K. C., Jonason, P. K., Li, N. P., & Cheng, G. H. L. (2019). Is memory enhanced by the context or survival threats? A quantitative and qualitative review on the survival processing paradigm. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 13, 31-54.

Tay, P. K. C., Hoon, C.-Y., & Hui, J. Y. K. (2018). Integrating Religious and Sexual Identities: The Case of Religious Homosexual Men in Singapore. International Journal of Sexual Health, 1-17.

Tay, P. K. C., & Chan, S. W.-C. (2017). Using Mixed-method Research to Examine the Effectiveness of a Psycho-educational Intervention for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia. SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Tay, P. K. C., & Yang, H. (2017). Angry faces are more resistant to forgetting than are happy faces: directed forgetting effects on the identity of emotional faces. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1-11.

Leow, M. Q. H., Cui, S. L., Mohamed Shah, M. T. B., Cao, T., Tay, S. C., Tay, P. K. C., & Ooi, C. C. (2017). Ultrasonography in Acupuncture—Uses in Education and Research. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 10(3), 216-219.

Tay, P. K. C. (2015). The adaptive value associated with expressing and perceiving angry-male and happy-female faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 851.

Tay, K. C. P., Seow, C. C. D., Xiao, C., Lee, H. M. J., Chiu, H. F. K., & Chan, W. C. S. (2014). Structured interviews examining the burden, coping, self-efficacy, and quality of life among family caregivers of persons with dementia in Singapore. Dementia, 1-17.

Tay, K. C. P., Drury, V., & Mackey, S. (2013). The role of intrinsic motivation in a group of low vision patients participating in a self-management program to enhance self-efficacy and quality of life. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 20(1), 17-24.

Drury, V., Saw, S. M., Finkelstein, E., Wong, T. Y., & Tay, K. C. P. (2013). A new community-based outdoor intervention to increase physical activity in Singapore Children: Findings from focus groups. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore, 42(5), 1-7.

Drury, V., Mackey, S., Tay, K. C. P., & Lim, X. M. L. (2012). The feasibility and acceptability of a low vision self-management programme for older Singaporeans: A pilot study. [Research]. International Journal of Ophthalmic Practice, 3(5), 12-17.

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