Peter Liebens

Lecturer - Scientific Work in Economics at Universität Duisburg-Essen



  • Research Associate and Program Coordinator of the master's course "Market-Oriented Corporate Management"
  • Lecturer "Unternehmensführung I (Organisation und Planung)"
  • Supervision of bachelor/master theses (second examiner) - Please send me a short email in advance with the general conditions of your thesis.
  • External PhD candidate at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Henkel Center for Consumer Goods (HCCG)


  • Monograph: Benkhofer/Esswein/Hülsbeck/Krippendorff/Liebens/Mandel (2019): Projektmanagement nach DIN ISO 21500:2016-02, 1st edition, Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart.

  • Professional article in peer-reviewed journal: Liebens/Mandel (2019): The Relationship between GDP and Unemployment Rate in the U.S., in: International Journal of Business and Social Science, 10 (4), 17-24.

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