Pingsha Dong
Professor at The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design
- The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design
The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design
Since joining University of Michigan in 2013, Dr. Dong has developed a number of new graduate/undergraduate courses. These are:
NA 513: Defect Assessment (offered every other year): Defect Assessment or Engineering-Critical-Assessment (ECA or FFS) has become a powerful tool for providing quantitative evaluation of an in-service structure or component’s fitness for continued operation when a flaw or damage is detected. The product of an ECA assessment can be used to support a decision to run as is or implement proper remediation and/or monitoring techniques. ECA has also be increasingly used to support quality acceptance criteria during construction by demonstrating fitness for purpose of any material grade deviation, fabrication and construction related imperfections, as well as quality inspection requirements. This course discusses basic mechanics principles associated with modern defect assessment methodologies (e.g., BS 7910 and API 579 RP-1/ASME FFS-1) for applications in engineering structures in general and marine structures in particular.
NA 514: Fatigue of Structures (offered every other year): This course intends to prepare students with fundamental concepts of fatigue damage and failure in engineering structures and contemporary design and analysis procedures. Major limitations in existing design and analysis procedures practiced by industry and research community will be discussed. A particular emphasis will be placed upon fatigue behavior of as-manufactured components (e.g., welded structures) and recent developments in finite element based fatigue design and evaluation procedures. The fundamental concept and basic calculation procedures associated with mesh-insensitive structural stress method and master S-N curve approach will be discussed. Recommended fatigue testing procedure and data interpretation method will be illustrated. Fatigue-resistant joint design principles will be discussed along with real-world examples
NA 599-60: Residual Stresses and Distortions in Modern Manufacturing (offered on demand): This course starts with an introduction of some of the challenges in manufacture of modern metallic structures to meet increasingly stringent structural performance and manufacturing/life-cycle cost requirements. Residual stresses and distortions caused by modern manufacturing processes, such as thermal forming, cutting, welding (including recent developments in friction stir welding and computer-controlled rapid metal deposition or “3D printing”) have become increasingly a concern both for dimensional accuracy control in modular construction and for ensuring construction quality as well as structural integrity. This new course will introduce a series of novel first-principle based approaches to solving residual stress and distortion problems associated with these manufacturing processes. Then, basic finite element modeling procedures will be illustrated for solving a selected set of residual stress and distortion problems that are of direct relevant to engineering applications today, including evaluation of some proven mitigation techniques. Then, effects of residual stresses and distortions on structural strength, fatigue and unstable fracture will also be discussed.
NA 461: Marine Structure Construction (offered yearly): Construction of modern marine structures faces a number of challenges, e.g., small production volume (often one of kind), structural size and complexity, as well as increasingly stringent dimensional accuracy and structural integrity requirements. This course starts with a brief introduction of challenges of marine structure production in today’s global marketplace and the group technology concept as applied in modern shipbuilding. The emphasis is then placed upon the mechanics of metal fabrication processes and design for construction methodologies. Relevant metal fabrication processes and effects on mechanical performance of materials and components as well as dimensional accuracy will be analyzed using first-principle based models. Recent developments in distortion and accuracy control and underlying principles will also be discussed: (1) Challenges in modern marine structures construction and major drivers; (2) Interim product definitions and design attributes for maximizing repetitiveness; (3) Thermo-mechanical effects of major metal manufacturing processes on dimensional accuracy.
Research Interests:
Dr. Dong’s current research activities are focused upon the following topical areas:
- Math-based design-for-producibility evaluation methods for lightweight metallic structures
- Shear localization modeling of friction stir weld formation and process window estimation techniques, particularly for dissimilar material joining
- Robust modeling techniques for welding-residual stresses and distortions, and effective mitigation techniques
- Mesh-insensitive method for fatigue and fracture evaluation of welded structures
- ECA procedures for FPSOs (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading units) and mooring systems
- Advanced Fitness-for-Service (FFS) or Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) methods, particularly on fracture mechanics treatment of residual stresses
- Fatigue damage modeling methods for non-proportional multiaxial loading
- Advanced fatigue design and life evaluation methods for high-speed train vehicles and equipment.
- Major Automotive Companies:
- OEMs: Caterpillar, Chrysler, Daimler, GM, Ford
- 1st tier suppliers: AAM, Meritor, Tenneco
- Major Aerospace Companies: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Rolls Royce
- Major Petrochemical/Oil Companies: BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, DuPont, ExxonMobil, Petrobras, Shell, TOTAL
- Major Power Generation and Utilities Companies: GE, British Energy, British Nuclear Fuel, Korean Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP), Korean Power Engineering Company (KOPEC), Tokyo Electric Power
- Major Shipbuilding Companies: Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), DSME, Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), Samsung Heavy Industries
- US Government Agencies: Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, National Shipbuilding Research Programs (NSRP), NASA, Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST)
Dr. Dong’s teaching and research interests include advanced design and analysis methodologies for engineering structures with an emphasis on welded structures and novel computational modeling techniques for manufacturing processes. He has developed numerous unique computational procedures that have been adopted by major manufacturing industries and National/International Codes & Standards. These include the mesh-insensitive structural stress method for fatigue design and life evaluation of welded structures adopted by 2007 ASME Div 2 International Code, the Joint 2007 ASME FFS-1/API 579 RP-1 Fitness for Service Code. Dr. Dong has published about 200 papers in peer-reviewed archive journals and major conference proceedings, giving over two dozens of Plenary/Keynote Lectures at major international conferences.
- AWS 2015 Fellow Award IIW (International Institute of Welding) 2014 Fellow Award SNAME’s Elmer L. Hann Award (2012)
- IIW (International Institute of Welding) 2008 E. Paton Prize
- SNAME’s Elmer L. Hann Award (2007)
- R&D Magazine’s 2006 R&D 100 Award for VerityTM development
- TIME Magazine’s Math Innovator (2005)
- Aviation Week & Space Technology Magazine’s Aerospace Laurels 2004 Award AWS 2004 R. D. Thomas Memorial Award
- SAE 2003 Henry Ford II Distinguished Award for Excellence in Automotive Engineering
- ASME 2003 G.E.O Widera Literature Award
- AWS 1998 Rene Wasserman Best Paper Award …
Representative Plenary/Keynote Lectures at Major International Conferences
- Pingsha Dong (Plenary Lecture): “Recent Advances in Master S-N Curve Method for Fatigue Evaluation of Welded Structures”, The 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Fatigue, Durability and Fracture Mechanics (Fatigue Durability India 2016), September 28-30th, 2016, Bangalore, India
- Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture), “Minimizing Distortions in Lightweight Ship Structures through Automation and Adaptive Manufacturing,” AWS 9th International Shipbuilding Conference, April 7-8, 2015, Virginia Beach, VA
- Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture), “On uncertainties in weld residual stresses and impact on structural integrity assessment,” UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI) Symposium, June 24-26, 2015, Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture): “Fitness-for-Service Based Weld Quality Definition, Inspection and Structural Health Monitoring,” The 1st Australasian International Welding, Inspection and NDT (IWIN2013) Conference, March 10-13, 2013, Perth, Australia
- Pingsha Dong (Plenary Lecture): “Advanced Assessment Methods for Ensuring Safety and Durability of High-Speed Rail Vehicles,” The 1st International Workshop on High-Speed and Intercity Railways (IWHIR 2011), July 19-22, 2011, Hong Kong, China
- Pingsha Dong (Plenary Lecture): “Fitness for Service of Underwater Welds in Offshore Structures,” Proceedings of The 3rd International Workshop on State of the Art, Science and Technology of Underwater Welding and Inspection Technology, November 17-19, 2010, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture): “Recent Advances in Residual Stress Estimate for Fitness for Service applications”, The 63rd International Institute of Welding Annual Assembly & International Conference on Advances in Welding Science and Technology for Construction, Energy and Transportation Systems (AWST -2010), July 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
- Pingsha Dong (Plenary Lecture): “Recent Trends in in Welded Structures Research and Industrial Applications,” The First China Weld 2009 International Conference, June 24-30, 2009, Dalian, China – Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture): “Computational Weld Modeling: A Enabler for Solving Complex Problems with Simple Solutions,” The 5th IIW International Congress, Sydney, Australia, March 7-9, 2007
- Pingsha Dong (Plenary Lecture): “A FITNET Procedure for FFS-Based Fatigue Evaluation Using the Master S-N Curve Approach,” The1st FITNET International Conference on Fitness for Service (FITNET 2006), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 17-19, 2006
- Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture): “Analysis and Treatment of Secondary Stresses in Fracture Assessment,” The 2005 UK-TAGSI International Symposium, Cambridge, United Kingdom, April 27-28, 2005 – Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture): “Math-Based Integrated Design and Manufacturing for High Performance Welded Structures,” IIW International Conference on Welded Structures in Modern Transportation Systems, Osaka, Japan, July 15-17, 2004
- Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture): “Weld Residual Stresses and Effects on Structural Integrity in High-Temperature Service,” The 2nd International Conference on Integrity of High Temperature Welds, Nov. 10-12, 2003, London, United Kingdom.
- Pingsha Dong (Keynote Lecture): “Master S-N Curve Approach for Fatigue Evaluation of Welded Components”, ASME/PVRC/WRC Conference on New Approaches to Fatigue Design and Life Prediction,” Atlanta, Georgia, March 12-14, 2003
- Pingsha Dong (Plenary Lecture): “Residual Stress and Distortions in Welded Structures: What We Know Today and Beyond,” The 6th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, April 15-19, 2002, Pine Mountain, Georgia, U.S.A.
- Pingsha Dong (Plenary Lecture): “Advanced Computational Modeling techniques for Residual Stresses and Distortions in Welded Structures,” The Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses (ICRS-6), Oxford, United Kingdom, July, 2000. …
Editorships for Archive Journals
- Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping (2015-Present)
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2014-present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (2003-2014)
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping (2006-2015)
- Editorial Board Member, Int. J. of Science and Technology of Welding and Joining (2002-2010)
Mei, J., & Dong, P. (2017). Modeling of path-dependent multi-axial fatigue damage in aluminum alloys. International Journal of Fatigue, 95, 252-263. 2. Mei, J., & Dong, P. (2016). A new path-dependent fatigue damage model for non-proportional multi-axial loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 90, 210-221.
Xing, S., & Dong, P. (2016). An analytical SCF solution method for joint misalignments and application in fatigue test data interpretation. Marine Structures, 50, 143-161.
Xing, S., Dong, P. and Threstha, A., (2016). Analysis of fatigue failure mode transition in load-carrying fillet-welded connections. Marine Structures, 46, pp.102-126.
Dong, P., Song, S. and Pei, X., 2016. An IIW residual stress profile estimation scheme for girth welds in pressure vessel and piping components. Welding in the World, 60(2), pp.283-298
Song, S., & Dong, P. (2016). Residual stresses at weld repairs and effects of repair geometry. Science and technology of welding and Joining, DOI:10.1080/13621718.2016.1224544
Song, S., & Dong, P. (2016). A framework for estimating residual stress profile in seam-welded pipe and vessel components part I: Weld region. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 146, 74-86.
Song, S., & Dong, P. (2016). A framework for estimating residual stress profile in seam welded pipe and vessel components Part II: Outside of weld region. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 146, 65-73.
Pei, Xianjun; Dong, Pingsha; Modeling of banded structure in friction stir weld in strain rate–hardening materials of Zener–Hollomon type; 2015/1/29, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, April 2015 vol. 50 no. 3 175-189
Pingsha Dong, Shaopin Song, Jinmiao Zhang, Myung H. Kim, On residual stress prescriptions for fitness for service assessment of pipe girth welds, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volumes 123–124, November–December 2014, Pages 19-29
Song, Shaopin; Dong, Pingsha; Pei, Xianjun; A full-field residual stress estimation scheme for fitness-for-service assessment of pipe girth welds: Part II–A shell theory based implementation; International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2015/4/30, 128, 8-17
Song, Shaopin; Dong, Pingsha; Pei, Xianjun; A full-field residual stress estimation scheme for fitness-for-service assessment of pipe girth welds: Part I – Identification of Key Parameters, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2015/1/20, Vol. 126-127, 58-70
Pingsha Dong, Shaopin Song, Jinmiao Zhang, Analysis of residual stress relief mechanisms in post-weld heat treatment, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volume 122, October 2014, Pages 6-14
P. Dong, X. Pei, S. Xing, M.H. Kim, A structural strain method for low-cycle fatigue evaluation of welded components, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volume 119, July 2014, Pages 39-51
X. Pei and P. Dong. “Shear localization modelling of friction stir weld formation process.” Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2014; 19(5), 416-426.
Zhigang Wei and Pingsha Dong, A generalized cycle counting criterion for arbitrary multi-axial fatigue loading conditions, July 2014, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 49: 325-341
Nie C, Dong P. A thermal stress mitigation technique for local postweld heat treatment of welds in pressure vessels. ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technology. 2015;137(5):051404-051404-9. doi:10.1115/1.4029097
Wei, Z. and Dong, P., “A Rapid Path Length Searching Procedure for Multiaxial Fatigue Cycle Counting”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 35, pp. 556–571, May, 2012
Dong, P. and Hong, J.K., “Fatigue of Tubular Joints: Hot Spot Stress Method Revisited,” ASME Transactions Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, August 2012, Vo. 134, No. 3, 1-12.
Dong, P., Wei, Z., & Hong, J. K. (2010). A path-dependent cycle counting method for variable-amplitude multi-axial loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 32(4), 720-734
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