Qi Thomas ZHU

Assistant Professor in the Department of Management & Marketing, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University




Qi received his PhD degree in strategic management from Arizona State University. He is examining how executives affect strategies, such as M&A, strategic change, and the creation of impactful patents. He is also exploring how directors effectively monitor executives and how investors with enhanced power over organizations play their roles in strategic leadership and corporate governance. His articles are published at Strategic Management Journal and Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Tongji University
  • Master of Science, Fudan University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Arizona State University

Consulting, Research and Teaching Interests:

Corporate governance, Strategic leadership, M&A, Innovation

Professional Activities, Academic Service & Award

Editorial Board

  • Management and Organization Review

Ad hoc reviewer

  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • Personal Psychology
  • Journal of Management studies
  • Corporate Governance: An International Review
  • British Journal of Management
  • Journal of World Business
  • Management and Organization Review
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Management
  • Quarterly Journal of Management

Conference reviewer

  • Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • Strategic Management Society Conference
  • International Association for Chinese Management Research

Best reviewer award

  • International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), 2021

Published Articles

  • Wang, D., Zhu, Q., Avolio, B. Shen, W., & Waldman, D. 2022. Do employees’ views matter in corporate governance? the relationship between employee approval and CEO dismissal. Strategic Management Journal, forthcoming.
  • Zhang, Z., Gong, M., Jia, M., Zhu, Q. 2022. Why and when does CFO ranking in top management team informal hierarchy affect entrepreneurial firm initial public offering fraud? Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming
  • Zhu, Q. 2021. The research on strategic leadership: a passionate past, a surging future. Quarterly Journal of Management, 6(1): 59-71.
  • Zhu, Q., Hu, S., & Shen, W. 2020. Why do some insider CEOs make more strategic changes than others? the impact of prior board experience on new CEO insiderness. Strategic management Journal, 41(10): 1933-1951.
  • Zhu, H., Zhu, Q., & Ding, Z. 2020. The roles of Chinese CEOs in managing individualistic cultures in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Management Studies. 57(3): 664-697.
  • Knippen, J. M., Shen, W., & Zhu, Q. 2019. Limited progress? The effect of external pressure for board gender diversity on the increase of female directors. Strategic Management Journal, 40(7): 1123-1150.
  • Zhu, Q., Hu, S., & Shen, W. 2019. Why do some new CEOs make more strategic changes than others? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Boston, MA: Academy of Management.
  • Zhu, H., & Zhu, Q. 2016. Mergers and acquisitions in frontier research and in china: implications for future research on Chinese mergers and acquisitions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33(4): 1107–1149.

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