Qing Cao

Associate Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut


  • UCONN - University of Connecticut



UCONN - University of Connecticut

Education/Professional Certification

  • Ph.D. in Strategic Management. University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
  • College Park, MD, USA.
  • B.S. in International Business. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Management
  • Shanghai, China.

Areas of Expertise

Strategic entrepreneurship; CEO and top management; managerial social capital; management in transition economies

Featured Publications

  • Li, D., Wei, L-Q., Cao, Q., & Chen, D. Informal institutions, entrepreneurs’ political participation, and venture internationalization. Forthcoming, Journal of International Business Studies.
  • Cao, Q., Simsek, Z., & Jansen, J. 2015. CEO social capital and entrepreneurial orientation of the firm: Bonding and bridging effects. Journal of Management, 41: 1957-1981.
  • Qian, C., Cao, Q., & Takeuchi, R. 2013. Top management team functional diversity to
  • organizational innovation in China: The moderating effects of environment. Strategic
  • Management Journal, 34: 110-120.
  • Jansen, J., Simsek, Z., & Cao, Q. 2012. Ambidexterity and performance in multi-unit contexts:
  • Cross-level moderating effects of structural and resource attributes. Strategic
  • Management Journal, 33: 1286-1303.
  • Gedajlovic, E., Cao, Q., & Zhang, H. 2012. Corporate shareholdings and organizational
  • ambidexterity in high-tech SMEs: Evidence from a transitional economy. Journal of
  • Business Venturing, 27: 652-665.
  • Zhang, X., Cao, Q., & Tjosvold, D. 2011. Linking transformational leadership and team
  • performance: A conflict management approach. Journal of Management Studies, 48:
  • 1586-1611.
  • Cao, Q., Simsek, Z., & Zhang, H. 2010. Modeling the joint impact of the CEO and the TMT on
  • organizational ambidexterity. Journal of Management Studies, 47: 1272-1296.
  • Cao, Q., Gedajlovic, E., & Zhang, H. 2009. Unpacking ambidexterity: Dimensions,
  • contingencies, and synergistic effects. Organization Science, 20: 781-796.
  • Smith, K. G., & Cao, Q. 2007. An entrepreneurial perspective of firm-environment relationship.
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1 (3-4): 329-344.
  • Cao, Q., Maruping, L., & Takeuchi, R. 2006. Disentangling the effects of CEO turnover and
  • succession on organizational capabilities: A social network perspective. Organization
  • Science, 17: 563-576.
  • Gupta, A. K., & Cao, Q. 2005. A strategic embeddedness analysis of global business teams:
  • Directions for future research. In D. L. Shapiro, M. A. Von Glinow, & J. L. C. Cheng
  • (Eds.), Managing Multinational Teams: Global Perspectives: 233-248. Oxford:
  • Elsevier/JAI.

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