René Bakker

Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Rotterdam School of Management


  • Rotterdam School of Management



Rotterdam School of Management

Rene Bakker is Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University and Field Editor for the flagship journal in entrepreneurship, the Journal of Business Venturing.

Previously, he was Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University (USA), and prior to that Rene worked as a Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research in Brisbane, Australia. He received his Ph.D. from Tilburg University.

Rene’s research takes place at the cross-section of the fields of entrepreneurship and strategy. One of his main current research interests is in Inclusive Entrepreneurship, i.e., understanding whether and how entrepreneurship could form a pathway toward economic and social inclusion of often marginalized groups, including immigrants, township entrepreneurs in Africa, and entrepreneurs with a cognitive or physical impairment. Rene’s award-winning research has been published in the leading management journals in the field, including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Academy of Management Annals, and Journal of Business Venturing.

Rene enjoys consulting (particularly with small business and social ventures) and has extensive experience teaching at all levels. He currently teaches Entrepreneurship in the BA program, and Strategic Management in the Executive MBA, both at RSM.

He has won several awards for his teaching. Recently, he won the Best Teacher Award in the area of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, and he was nominated for the RSM Student Representatives’ Professor of the Year Award by his students. Furthermore, Rene recently co-wrote the textbook Strategy in 3D: Essential Tools to Diagnose, Decide, and Deliver, published by Oxford University Press (2020).

Rene has obtained multiple competitive grants throughout the years, totalling well over $400k in external funding.


  • Field Editor Journal of Business Venturing (2020)
  • Associate Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (2018)
  • Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship Indiana University (2015 — 2018)
  • Senior Research Fellow Queensland University of Technology (2013 — 2015)
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow Queensland University of Technology (2011 — 2013)
  • PhD Candidate Tilburg University (2007 — 2011)

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