Richang Hong

Professor at National University of Singapore


  • National University of Singapore



National University of Singapore

Dr. Richang Hong received his Ph.D. degrees in July 2008 from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He worked as a research fellow with Prof. Chua Tat-Seng in School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS), until Dec. 2010. After that, Dr. Hong joined School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology (HFUT) as a Professor. He visited Dr. Tao Mei (FIEEE) and Dr. Shipeng Li (FIEEE) in Microsoft Research Asia from Mar. to Sept. 2012 by "Star-Track" Program and visited Prof. Qi Tian (FIEEE) at University of Texas, San Antonio from Aug. to Nov. 2014.

His current research interests include multimedia, language and vision and social media. He has authored over 200 journal and conference papers in these areas and the Google Scholar citations for those papers is more than 16000. He served as editor of the IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TMM, IEEE TCSS, IEEE TBD, ACM TOMM, NPL and the guest editors of several international journals, a steering committee member of MMM (international conference on multimedia modeling) conference series since 2019, and the technical program chairs of PCM'2018, etc. He also served as area chairs of ACM Multimedia, SIGIR etc. since 2016 and a technical program committee member of over 20 prestigious international conferences, and a reviewer of over 20 prestigious international journals. He is a recipient of the Best Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2010, Best Paper Award in ACM ICMR 2015 and Best Paper Honorable Mention Award of IEEE trans. Multimedia 2015. Dr. Hong joined CCF, CSIG, CAAI, IEEE and ACM. He is the deputy director of multimedia technical committee of CSIG and the secretary of the ACM SIGMM China Chapter.

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