Richard Bradley

Professor of Philosophy at The London School of Economics and Political Science


  • The London School of Economics and Political Science



The London School of Economics and Political Science

Professor Richard Bradley works broadly in decision theory and related fields such as formal epistemology and semantics. Much of his work is on individual decision making under uncertainty and the role of hypothetical reasoning in reaching judgements about what to do. But he is also interested in the nature of the intentional attitudes, belief and preference revision and social value and choice. Richard has recently begun working on the nature of chance and our attitudes to it (both as individuals and as a society). His other big project at the moment is decision making under severe uncertainty. A lot of this work is brought together in a book entitled “Decision Theory with a Human Face”, recently published with Cambridge University Press.


  • PhD University of Chicago (1990 — 1997)
  • MSc The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (1987 — 1988)


  • Professor of Philosophy London School of Economics (2007)


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