Richard Kass

Adjunct Professor


Dr. Richard Kass has been assisting in courses at the Stanford Graduate School of Business for over thirty-five years, including 25 years in the “Interpersonal Dynamics” course, six years in the “Negotiation and Intervention” course, and 12 years in Stanford's “Executive Program in Leading and Managing Change”. He is also an adjunct professor in the Bachelors program at Palo Alto University. Richard is an author of The Stanford Interpersonal Dynamics Course Support Package for facilitators and is currently preparing a second edition of Stream Analysis: A Powerful Way to Diagnose and Manage Organizational Change with Dr. Jerry Porras of the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Dr. Richard Kass brings over 20 years of experience in helping organizations effectively change and grow, including Intel, Shell Oil, Pacific Bell, Stanford Hospital, Varian Associates, and Oracle. Dr. Kass received his BA in criminology, Phi Beta Kappa, and his Ph.D. in social welfare from the University of California, Berkeley.

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