Robert Lagerström

Associate Professor (universitetslektor) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology



Robert Lagerström is Associate Professor in Software Systems Architecture and Security, NSE, Computer Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

He received his Docent title in Industrial Information Systems in 2014, his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 2010, and his MSc degree in Computer Science in 2005. His topic of research as a PhD-student was software applications modifiability. In 2010/2011 Robert was an Industrial Post-Doc at ABB Corporate Research where he focused on improving the software system architecture and the software change and configuration management process at a business unit of ABB. During 2013 Robert worked at Harvard Business School in Boston as a research associate and in 2016 as a visiting scholar, on the project Software Systems Architecture Complexity and Security. Robert is responsible for the courses Security Analysis of Large-Scale Computer Systems and Cyber Security Analysis. As well as several PhD student courses incl. Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews in Systems Engineering and Advanced Enterprise Modeling: Holistic Systems & Software Modeling. In addition to that he supervises PhD students and bachelor/master thesis projects. Robert has written more than a hundred peer-reviewed publications in the fields of cyber security, threat modeling, software application architecture, enterprise IT architecture, modifiability, and IT management. He is also the co-founder of several open-source software incl. the Meta Attack Language (MAL) and pwnPr3d.

Robert is one of the founders and board members of the KTH spin-off company Foreseeti, where he also works as an expert. The foreseeti flagship product focuses on cyber security threat modeling and proactive risk management. The tool helps companies: 1) Understand current cyber security levels across complex enterprise-wide architectures. 2) Prioritize areas to address and cyber security investments to pursue. 3) Proactively manage cyber security e.g. when building or modifying architectures.

2016-2021 was Robert a member of the Young Academy of Sweden, a transdisciplinary academy for a selection of the most prominent, younger researchers in Sweden. Its operations rest firmly on three pillars: transdisciplinarity, science policy and outreach. The Academy is an independent platform that provides younger researchers with a strong voice in the science policy debate and that promotes science and research to young adults and children. The Young Academy of Sweden was formed at the initiative of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and has about 35 members.


  • Docent KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2010 — 2014)
  • PhD Kungliga tekniska högskolan / KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2006 — 2010)
  • MSc Kungliga tekniska högskolan / KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2001 — 2005)
  • Gymnasium Volvo Teknik Gymnasium (1998 — 2000)


  • Associate Professor (universitetslektor) KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2014)
  • Founder, Board member, and Expert foreseeti (2014)
  • Visiting Scholar Harvard Business School (2015 — 2016)
  • Partner & Consultant Management Doctors (2008 — 2015)
  • Assistant Professor KTH | the Royal Institute of Technology (2011 — 2014)
  • Research Associate Harvard Business School (2013 — 2013)
  • Researcher KTH | the Royal Institute of Technology (2010 — 2011)
  • PhD Student KTH | the Royal Institute of Technology (2006 — 2010)


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