Robert Lipka
Acting Senior Urban Designer at Alberta School of Business
Alberta School of Business
Robert is currently a Principal Urban Designer with the City of Edmonton where he provides feedback from an urban design, universal design and crime prevention through environmental design perspective on projects including corridor studies, transit oriented developments, land development applications and overall policy development.
Previously, Robert worked for 10 years at Auckland Council/Auckland Transport (AT) as a Principal Urban Designer and chair of AT’s Capital Projects Accessibility Group where he provided design advice on a variety of projects including land development applications, policy review, the design of train stations, bus/ferry terminals and cycling facilities throughout the region.
He has a Masters Degree in Urban and Rural Planning from Dalhousie University (formerly the Technical University of Nova Scotia), universal design training from Barrier Free NZ and CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) training from the NZ Police and therefore provides a UD2 lens - meaning using both urban design and universal design - in all of his work.
- Urban Design
- Urban Planning
- Local Government
- Transportation Planning
- Sustainability
- Traffic Engineering
- Public Transport
- Road Safety
- Traffic Management
- Project Management
Complete Streets Design and Standards Construction Guidelines 2018 City of Edmonton
Access Design Guide 2017 City of Edmonton
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