Robert Pred

Associate Professor, Statistical Science at Fox School of Business


  • Fox School of Business



Fox School of Business

Dr. Pred is Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Statistical Science, and Academic Director of the Fox Business Honors Program. He teaches traditional and online BBA, honors, and general education courses, and has taught in the Fox MBA and Executive MBA programs. He is a three-time recipient of the “Fox Honors Instructor of the Year Award,” and received the “Outstanding Service Award for Commitment to Students and Staff of the Fox Honors Program” for his service as a Business Honors Faculty Fellow and his support of the Alter Research Scholars Program.

Dr. Pred also received the “Andrisani-Frank Outstanding Teaching & Teaching Related Service Award.” He was named a founding member of the “Provost’s Undergraduate Mentors” for his support of the Diamond Peer Teacher Internship program, and conducts workshops for the Diamond Peer Teacher Internship orientation program.

He was the first Faculty Fellow of Temple’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), providing mentoring services and conducting numerous faculty development workshops. As TLC Senior Faculty Fellow, he co-taught the Provost’s Teaching Academy for several years. Dr. Pred’s research on the psycho-social correlates of performance, achievement motivation and health appears in the Journal of Allied Health, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Before joining Temple University, he served as a healthcare marketing research analyst at area firms, including The Vanderveer Group (TVG), and National Analysts (NA) \ Division of Booz, Allen, & Hamilton. Robert holds a B.A. in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin, and an M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Bowling Green State University of Ohio.


  • Ph.D., Social Pshcology , The University of Texas at Austin
  • M.A. Industrial and Organizational Psychology , Bowling Green State University
  • B.A. Psychology , The University of Texas at Austin


  • Jul 2001 – present, Associate Professor of statistics, Temple University.
  • Jul 2016 – Jun 2019, Academic Director of Fox Business Honors/li>

Sample Publications

  • Blau, G., Pred, R., Drennan, R. B., Jr., & Kapanjie, D. (December 2, 2016). “Correlates of perceived favorability of online courses for quantitative versus qualitative undergraduate business majors. “Journal of Education for Business, 91(8), 420–426. DOI: 10.1080/08832323.2016.1251389; [ISSN: 0883-2323];
  • Blau, G., Pred, R., Andersson, L., & Brooks, Lopez, A. (December 2015) “Further Research on an Undergraduate Measure of Professional Development Engagement.” College Student Journal (December, Winter 2015, Volume 49, Issue 4, pp. 572-578). [ISSN: 0146-3934]
  • Blau, G., DiMino, J., Sheridan, N., Pred, R., Beverly, C. & Chessler, M. (September 2015) “Testing Three-Item Versions for Seven of Young’s Maladaptive Schema.” College Student Journal (September, Fall 2015, September, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp. 369-374). [ISSN: 0146-3934]
  • 4. Chapman, S. A., Blau, G., Pred, R., & Lopez, A. (Fall 2009). “Correlates of intent to leave job and profession for emergency medical technicians and paramedics. Career Developmental International”, Volume 14, Number 5, pp. 487-503. [ISSN: 1362-0436] Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 78, 947-1012.

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