Ron Berger

Professor of International Business at Sheffield Hallam University Business School / Assistant Dean of the Business School at the College of Law & Business at Ramat Gan



Ron Berger is Assistant Dean of the Business School at the College of Law & Business, Ramat Gan, a Senior Lecturer at IDC and a Professor of International Business at Sheffield Hallam Business School, UK. Berger's research focuses on B2B Marketing, Business Ethics, and International Management. He has published papers on emerging countries such as India, China, Russia and numerous Arab countries. His main focus presently is in innovation and creativity in the above countries. He has a B.A. from the College of Management (1993), Majoring in International Business and Finance; M.B.A. Huron University USA (1994), Majoring in International Business and Management; and a Ph.D. from Cass Business School, City University, UK (1998), Majoring in International Business and Strategy.


  • B.A. from the College of Management (1993). Majoring in International Business and Finance.
  • M.B.A. Huron University USA (1994). Majoring in International Business and Management.
  • Ph.D. Cass Business School, City University, UK (1998). Majoring in International Business and Strategy

Research Interests

Berger’s research focuses on B2B Marketing, Business Ethics, and International Management. His main focus presently is in innovation and creativity in the above countries.

Areas of expertise

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing Management
  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Marketing to China
  • Marketing Seminar


  • Marketing Management
  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing to China
  • Marketing Seminar


Journal Articles

Berger, R., Barnes, B.R., & Silbiger, A. (2021). Scale development and validation for measuring business-to-business Wasta relationships. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36 (12), 2201-2218.

Silbiger, A., Barnes, B.R., Berger, R., & Renwick, D.W.S. (2021). The role of regulatory focus and its influence on the cultural distance – Adjustment relationship for expatriate managers. Journal of Business Research, 122, 398-410.

Berger, R., Barnes, B.R., Konwar, Z., & Singh, R. (2020). Doing business in India: The role of jaan-pehchaan. Industrial Marketing Management, 89, 326-339.

Song, Y., Elsner, W., Zhang, Z., & Berger, R. (2020). Collaborative innovation and policy support: the emergence of trilateral networks. Applied Economics, 52 (34), 3651-3668.

Berger, R., Bulmash, B., Drori, N., Ben-Assuli, O., & Herstein, R. (2020). The patient-physician relationship: an account of the physician's perspective. Israel journal of health policy research, 9, 33.

Song, Y., Dana, L.P., & Berger, R. (2019). The entrepreneurial process and online social networks : forecasting survival rate. Small Business Economics.

Song, Y., Berger, R., Yosipof, A., & Barnes, B.R. (2019). Mining and investigating the factors influencing crowdfunding success. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 148, 119723.

Berger, R., Chan, D., & Wing, M. (2019). The impact of managerial characteristics on business strategies under the environmental change: an investigation of the Israeli diamond industry. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Berger, R. (2019). Doing favors in the Arab world. International journal of emerging markets.

Song, Y., Konwar, Z., & Berger, R. (2019). Institutional Differences, Foreign Ownership Modes, Marketing Capabilities and Domestic Technological Catch-up: Evidence from India. Science, Technology and Society, 24 (2), 338-364.

Song, Y., & Berger, R. (2019). How gender affects collaborative innovation networks performance: The case of the Dutch fashion industry. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 36 (4), 392-407.

Albayrak, T., Herstein, R., Caber, M., Drori, N., Bideci, M., & Berger, R. (2018). Exploring religious tourist experiences in Jerusalem: The intersection of Abrahamic religions. Tourism Management, 69, 285-296.

Berger, R. (2018). Is Guanxi Universal in China? Some evidence of a paradoxical Shift. Journal of Business Research, 86, 344-355.

Herstein, R., Gilboa, S., Gamliel, E., Berger, R., & Ali, A. (2018). The role of private label brands in enhancing service satisfaction in the hotel industry: comparing luxury and boutique hotels. Services Marketing Quarterly, 39, 140-155.

Herstein, R., Drori, N., Berger, R., & Barnes, B.R. (2017). Exploring the gap between policy and practice in private branding strategy management in an emerging market. International Marketing Review, 34 (4), 559-578.

Yang, S., & Berger, R. (2017). Relation between start-ups’ online social media presence and fundraising. Journal of science and technology policy management, 8 (2), 161-180.

Berger, R., Herstein, R., Silbiger, A., & Barnes, B. (2017). Developing international business relationships in a Russian context. Management International Review, 57 (3), 441-471.

Berger, R. (2016). Value Creation in International Knowledge Intensive Industries: The Case of India. Journal of Public Affairs.

Barnes, B., Berger, R., & Renwick, D. (2016). Improving expatriation success: the roles of regulatory focus and burnout. British Journal Of Management, 28 (2), 231-247.

Berger, R., Lamond, D., Gavish, Y., & Herstein, R. (2016). The evolution of management from a trust to arm’s length model in family run businesses: the case of the diamond industry. Journal of Management History, 22 (3), 341-362.

Berger, R., & Gavish, Y. (2015). A gem in a hostile world: an evolutionary analysis of the diamonds industry: the case of the Israeli diamond industry. International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 6 (3/4), 268.

Berger, R. (2015). The Gap Between Theory and Practice in Private Branding Strategy Management: A Case of an Emerging Retail Chain. International Marketing Review.

Berger, R. (2015). The Paradox in Chinese Business Ethics: The Case of the Chinese Diamond Industry. Journal of Business Ethics.

Berger, R. (2015). The Constructs of Social Networks in Russia: The Case of Blat. Management International Review.

Berger, R. (2015). The Pluralisation of Counterfeit Consumption: Can we afford to be ethical? Psychology and Marketing, 32 (8), 842-859.

Berger, R. (2015). Improving Expatriation Success: The Roles of Regulatory Focus and Burnout. British Journal of Management.

Berger, R., & Herstein, R. (2015). Strategies for marketing diamonds in China from the perspective of international diamond SMEs compared to the west. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 22 (3), 549-562.

Herstein, R., Drori, N., Berger, R., & Barnes, B.R. (2015). Anticounterfeiting Strategies and Their Influence on Attitudes of Different Counterfeit Consumer Types. Psychology & Marketing, 32 (8), 842-859.

Berger, R., Silbiger, A., Herstein, R., & Barnes, B.R. (2015). Analyzing business-to-business relationships in an Arab context. Journal of World Business, 50 (3), 454-464.

Berger, R. (2015). The transformation of Chinese business ethics in line with its emergence as a global economic leader. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 8 (2), 106-122.

Berger, R., Herstein, R., Silbiger, A., & Barnes, B.R. (2015). Can guanxi be created in Sino–Western relationships? An assessment of Western firms trading with China using the GRX scale. Industrial Marketing Management, 47, 166-174.

Berger, R. (2014). Ethics of the Global Financial Crisis: Beyond the Washington Consensus. International Journal of Accounting Practice and Research, 1 (1), 64-82.

Berger, R., & Choi, C.J. (2014). Network interactions and gift giving: a dual sphere model of exchange. International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 5 (3), 219.

Berger, R., & Herstein, R. (2014). The evolution of business ethics in India. International Journal of Social Economics, 41 (11), 1073-1086.

Berger, R. (2014). The enigma of the Chinese diamond industry. Chinese Management Studies, 8 (4), 665-682.

Berger, R. (2014). Mastering the Art of Jugaad and Guanxi. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 5 (4), 14-22.

Herstein, R., Berger, R., & D. Jaffe, E. (2014). How companies from developing and emerging countries can leverage their brand equity in terms of place branding. Competitiveness Review, 24 (4), 293-305.

Berger, R., & Herstein, R. (2014). The evolution of Chinese business ethics. Management Research Review, 37 (9), 778-790.

Herstein, R., & Berger, R. (2014). Cities for sale: How cities can attract tourists by creating events. The Marketing Review, 14 (2), 131-144.

Herstein, R., Jaffe, E.D., & Berger, R. (2014). Forever young: How can a branding destination strategy regenerate a city image? The case of Tel Aviv. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 7 (3), 211-223.

Berger, R. (2013). Stake-holder Marketing and Reciprocity on Eastern Europe: A Conceptual Analysis. International Journal of Knowledge, Management and Learning, 2 (2), 175-190.

Berger, R. (2013). Innovation and Learning and Synergy between Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists. International Journal of Synergy and Research, 2 (2), 91-106.

Berger, R. (2013). Five typical city branding mistakes: Why cities tend to fail in implementation of rebranding strategies. Journal of Brand Strategy, 2 (4), 392-402.

Berger, R. (2013). A Country as a Brand: Israel's Evolving Branding Strategy. Journal of Brand Strategy, 2 (2), 179-190.

Berger, R. (2013). Marketing and Non-Market Based Value Creation: Gifts and Guanxi. Journal of Business Theory and Practice, 1 (1), 166-185.

Berger, R. (2013). Much More Than Sport: Sports Events as a Business Leverage for Re-branding Cities. Journal of Business Strategy, 34 (2), 38-44.

Berger, R., Herstein, R., & Mitki, Y. (2013). Guanxi: the evolutionary process of management in China. International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 5 (1), 30.

Herstein, R., & Berger, R. (2013). Hosting the Olympics: a city's make-or-break impression. Journal of Business Strategy, 34 (5), 54-59.

Herstein, R., & Berger, R. (2013). Much more than sports: sports events as stimuli for city re‐branding. Journal of Business Strategy, 34 (2), 38-44.

Berger, R., Choi, C.J., & Herstein, R. (2013). China’s Social Market Economy. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 4 (1), 21-30.

Berger, R., & Herstein, R. (2012). The limits of guanxi from the perspective of the Israeli diamond industry. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 5 (1), 29-41.

Berger, R. (2011). Capitalism's Global Financial Crisis: Re-Visiting the State and Industrial Policy. Journal of International Business Ethics, 4 (1), 60-71.

Choi, C.J., Berger, R., & Kim, J.B. (2011). Globalisation, property rights and knowledge networks. International Journal of Technology Management, 56 (1), 53.

Berger, R., Choi, C.J., & Kim, J.B. (2011). Responsible Leadership for Multinational Enterprises in Bottom of Pyramid Countries: The Knowledge of Local Managers. Journal of Business Ethics, 101 (4), 553-561.

Choi, C.J., Berger, R., & Kim, J.B. (2010). Capitalism's global financial crisis: The role of the state. The Social Science Journal, 47 (4), 829-835.

Choi, C.J., & Berger, R. (2010). Ethics of Celebrities and Their Increasing Influence in 21st Century Society. Journal of Business Ethics, 91 (3), 313-318.

Choi, C.J., & Berger, R. (2009). Ethics of Global Internet, Community and Fame Addiction. Journal of Business Ethics, 85 (2), 193-200.

Ju Choi, C., Millar, C.C.J.M., Ting‐Jieh Chu, R., & Berger, R. (2007). Increasing returns and marketing strategy in the twenty‐first century: Nokia versus Microsoft versus Linux. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 22 (5), 295-301.

Book Chapters

Berger, R. (2016). Indigenous Management and Bottom of Pyramid Countries. In International Business. (pp. 1718-1733). IGI Global:

Berger, R. (2016). The bottom of the pyramid countries, MNCS, and human rights: What lies beyond the washington consensus. In International Human Rights and Justice. (pp. 1-17).

Berger, R. (2015). Technology and Innovation. In Technological Solutions for Sustainable Business Practice in Asia. (pp. 203-223). IGI Global:

Berger, R. (2015). Ethics of Stigma and Discrimination: Membership and Fixed Identity. In Columbus, A.M. (Ed.) Advances in Psychology research. Nova Publishing

Berger, R. (2015). Responsible leadership after the global financial crisis: The morality of control and self-management. In Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Impact on Economic Growth. (pp. 79-88).

Berger, R., & Choi, C.J. (2014). MNCS, global financial crisis and human rights: Beyond the 'Washington consensus'. In Financial Crises: Causes, Management and Economic Impac. (pp. 121-133).

Berger, R. (2014). The global financial crisis: Re-Visiting industrial policy and institutional infrastructure. In Progress in Economics Research. (pp. 77-92).

Berger, R., & Choi, C.J. (2012). MNCs, global financial crisis and human rights: Beyond the 'Washington consensus'. In Financial Crises: Causes, Management and Economic Impact. (pp. 121-133).


Berger, R. (2015). Creating and Managing Brand Image. (1st). Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP).

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