Ruth Kitchen

Adjunct Assistant Professor at Sciences Po


  • Sciences Po



Sciences Po

Assistant Professor in the field of French Studies with teaching expertise in English, Communication and Marketing and research experience in Disability Studies.

Ruth is a qualified coach working in academia and corporate on the topics of Communication and Empowerment.

Ruth also promotes tourism through French language and sharing local cultural knowledge about Nice and the PACA region.

Ruth was awarded her PhD in French Studies on guilt and shame in French cultural memory of the Nazi Occupation by University of Leeds in 2011. Her thesis was developed into a book, 'A Legacy of Shame: French Narratives of War and Occupation'(Peter Lang, 2013).

Concurrently, Ruth moved into the field of Deaf Education at University of Leeds, where she collected and analyzed data and presented and published research on teaching and learning in sign, spoken and written languages, training teachers of deaf children, and deaf children's reading development.

In 2013, Ruth became Assistant Professor in French Studies at Cardiff University, teaching French Language, French Socio-Cultural History, Philosophy and Literature, and Disability Studies.

From 2014 to 2016 Ruth worked in Paris at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales as a Marie Curie Research Fellow in Disability Studies, funded by an award from the European Research Commission.

The S.U.R.D.I.T.E Cinéma project involved planning and presenting public engagement events around deaf people and contemporary cinema, data collection and analysis, teaching, writing publications, international conferences.

In 2016, Ruth moved to Nice. She lectures in English and Communication at Sciences Po Menton, IPAG Business School, International University of Monaco.

Affiliate researcher of the EHESS’s Programme Handicaps et Société (Disability and Society Programme), Ruth is an editor of ”Alter, European Review of Disability Research”.

A second book on the Marie Curie S.U.R.D.IT.E. Cinéma project will be published in 2020.

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