Ryan Dew

Assistant Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School


  • The Wharton School



The Wharton School

Ryan Dew is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His research explores how machine learning and Bayesian statistical methodologies can solve real world marketing problems, and enhance the capacity of marketing managers to make data-driven decisions. Methodologically, he uses techniques from machine learning, Bayesian nonparametrics, and Bayesian econometrics.

Research Interests: marketing analytics, data-driven design, decision support, preference measurement


Columbia Business School Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Marketing 2013 – 2018

The University of Pennsylvania Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Mathematics and Statistics 2009 – 2013

Boston University Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics 2012 – 2012


Bayesian Nonparametric Customer Base Analysis with Model-based Visualizations Ryan Dew and Asim Ansari Marketing Science, 2018 This paper was a finalist for the 2019 Frank M. Bass Award. [Show Abstract] [Paper] [Code Notebook] [Replication Data] [Stan Code]

Modeling Dynamic Heterogeneity using Gaussian Processes Ryan Dew, Asim Ansari, Yang Li Journal of Marketing Research, 2020 This paper was a finalist for the 2020 Paul Green Award. [Show Abstract] [Paper]

Letting Logos Speak: Leveraging Multiview Representation Learning for Data-Driven Logo Design Ryan Dew, Asim Ansari, Olivier Toubia Forthcoming, Marketing Science. [Show Abstract] [Paper] [Explore Our Data] [Personality-based Logo Generator]


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