Sahar Hashmi

Faculty Instructor at Harvard Business School


  • Harvard Business School




Harvard Business School


Dr. Sahar Hashmi is an MD, with a PhD from the MIT Sloan Business School of Management and Institute of Data Systems and Society (IDSS) departments at MIT. She also completed her masters in System Design and Management (SDM) from MIT where she applied systems thinking to Harvard Medical School affiliated hospitals operations design and management projects.

Expertise Dr. Hashmi’s expertise is in AI ladder for business innovation and transformation, modernizing healthcare design models, problem statement analyses, innovative systems design thinking with the evolving ecosystem needs, stakeholders involvement and partnerships, visionary/ modern digital strategy, digital transformation (speed, scale, value), agile scalability, data-driven decisions, modern technology/app/platform development and assessment (customer/end-user journey), processes redesign and automation using advanced technologies, integrated teams and process improvement, smart-health and specialized services platforms, business, healthcare, medicine and technology alignment, blockchain technologies.

*Leadership Awards *

Dr. Hashmi was the recipient of numerous awards including but not limited to the TITAN Gold Business Award for Creative Business Consulting, Larry G. Benedict Institute Leadership Award, Graduate Women in Excellence and the highly prestigious MIT Apple award for mentoring and advising business executives and leaders. She also received the Bridge Builder award honoring her civic leadership in forming partnerships across racial, social, economic, and geographic barriers for the betterment of her community. Recently, she was awarded Best Innovation Design by the Global Technology Community (GTC-USA).


Dr. Sahar Hashmi has consulted for over a 100 startups in the fields of AI, design and digital transformation. Dr. Hashmi has consulted and advised on a wide variety of projects that have included healthcare projects, digital transformation and automation for places such as the Citibank, designing skincare products’ design chain, among others. Some of her work has also included guiding VCs on investments into companies that design therapeutics to address diseases that carry a high economic burden. Her expertise and consultancy has resulted in high profits for her clients and saving them millions of dollars.

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