Samarjit Chakraborty

Full Professor at Munich Business School


  • Munich Business School



Munich Business School

Prof. Chakraborty (*1972) deals with various aspects of embedded and cyber-physical systems, including distributed embedded systems, hardware/software co-design, embedded control systems and vehicle systems.

Prof. Chakraborty received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich in 2008. He was then Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore from 2003 to 2008 before being appointed to the Chair of Real-Time Computer Systems at TUM in 2008. From 2011 to 2016 he was the leader of a research project on embedded systems for electric cars at the TUM CREATE Center for Electromobility in Singapore.

Prof. Chakraborty is a member of the Editorial Boards of the journals IEEE Transaction on Computers, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Leibnitz Transactions on Embedded Systems, Design Automation of Embedded Systems and Springer's Lecture Notes on Electrical Engineering. He was General Chair of Embedded Systems Week (ESWeek) 2011 and program chair of EMSOFT 2009 and SIES 2012. From 2013 to 2014 he was a member of the governing body of the Design Automation Conference (DAC) responsible for establishing a new track for automotive systems and software.


  • Ph.D. ETH Zürich (1998 — 2003)
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (1996 — 1998)
  • Jadavpur University (1992 — 1996)
  • Don Bosco Liluah


  • Full Professor Technische Universität München, Germany (2008)
  • Assistant Professor National University of Singapore (2003 — 2009)
  • Research Assistant and PhD Student ETH Zurich (1998 — 2003)

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