Sébastien Mena
Senior Lecturer in Management at Bayes Business School
Bayes Business School
Sébastien is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Management at Cass Business School, City, University of London. Prior to joining Cass, Sébastien was a post-doctoral fellow in strategic management and organization at the Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta. He received his PhD in management from the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne.
His research interests lie in institutional change and stability in the interactions between business and society, around issues of corporate responsibility, corporate governance, and sustainability. Sébastien currently examines how firms interact with civil society organizations in several research projects, notably on transnational private regulation, shareholder activism, community-oriented sustainability projects in developing countries, and the collective remembering and forgetting of corporate (ir)responsibility.
Sébastien's research has been published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Review, Business Ethics Quarterly, Human Relations and the Journal of Management Studies. He sits on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Review and Business Ethics Quarterly.
- Post-doctoral fellow, Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta, Canada
- PhD in Management, Faculty of Business & Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Academy of Management, SIM division (2017) Best Sustainability Paper Award
- Academy of Management Review (2017) Finalist for Best Paper Award
- Business Ethics Quarterly (2017) Best Reviewer Award
- Cass Business School (2014) School Prize for Excellent Research Publications
- Academy of Management, OMT division (2013) Best International Paper
- Academy of Management, OMT division (2013) Carolyn Dexter Award nominee
- Academy of Management, International Theme Committee (2012) Best International Dissertation Award
- Society for Business Ethics (2010) Founders’ Award
Primary Topics
- Business Ethics
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Management
- Organization Theory
- Strategic Management
Title of Thesis: The role of business schools and their influence on business and society
Sep 2015
Summary of Research
This qualitative research focuses on UK business schools, examining how business schools have portrayed their role in society through their own officially commissioned, historical narratives.
A second core aspect of Annette's research asks: how do business schools influence MBA student attitudes and mindsets about the role of business in society? In answering this question, Annette's research aims to provide a better understanding of future business leaders' mindsets about the role of business in society.
External Supervisors
- Gond, JP. Cass Business School, City, University of London.
- Mena, S. Cass Business School, City University London, London.
- Spicer, A. Cass Business School, City University London, London
Palazzo, G. and Mena, S. (2011). Business and Human Rights – The New Responsibilities of Corporations in a Globalizing World. In Wentland, M. and Palazzo, G. (Eds.), Responsible Management Practices for the XXIst Century (pp. 25–34). Lausanne: Pearson
Journal Articles (8)
- Mena, S. (2017). Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life. BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY, 27(4), pp. 641–644. doi:10.1017/beq.2017.38.
- Mena, S., Rintamaki, J., Fleming, P. and Spicer, A. (2016). On the Forgetting of Corporate Irresponsibility. Academy of Management Review, 41(4), pp. 720–738. doi:10.5465/amr.2014.0208.
- Mena, S. and Suddaby, R. (2016). Theorization as institutional work: The dynamics of roles and practices. Human Relations, 69(8), pp. 1669–1708. doi:10.1177/0018726715622556.
- Mena, S. (2016). Book Review: Samuel F. Mansell Capitalism, Corporations and the Social Contract: A Critique of Stakeholder Theory. Organization Studies, 37(5), pp. 735–738. doi:10.1177/0170840616631716.
- Mena, S. and Waeger, D. (2014). Activism for corporate responsibility: Conceptualizing private regulation opportunity structures. Journal of Management Studies, 51(7), pp. 1091–1117. doi:10.1111/joms.12092.
- Mena, S. and Palazzo, G. (2012). Input and output legitimacy of multi-stakeholder initiatives. Business Ethics Quarterly, 22(3), pp. 527–556. doi:10.5840/beq201222333.
- Mena, S., de Leede, M., Baumann, D., Black, N., Lindeman, S. and McShane, L. (2010). Advancing the business and human rights agenda: Dialogue, empowerment, and constructive engagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 93(1), pp. 161–188. doi:10.1007/s10551-009-0188-8.
- Palazzo, G. and Mena, S. (2009). Can Tobacco Companies Be Good Corporate Citizens? Revue Medicale Suisse, 5(210), pp. 1454–1456.
Editorial Activities (10)
- Academy of Management Review, Editorial Review Board member, 2017 – present.
- Academy of Management Learning & Education, Editorial Review Board member, 2017 – present.
- Business Ethics Quarterly, Editorial Board member, 2015 – present.
- Academy of Management Review, Ad-hoc reviewer, 2013 – present.
- Journal of Business Venturing, Ad-hoc reviewer, 2013 – present.
- Journal of Management Studies, Ad-hoc reviewer, 2013 – present.
- Organization Studies, Ad-hoc reviewer, 2013 – present.
- Business & Society, Ad-hoc reviewer, 2012 – present.
- Journal of Business Ethics, Ad-hoc reviewer, 2012 – present.
- Business Ethics Quarterly, Ad-hoc reviewer, 2011 – present.
Responsible Management Practices for the 21st Century 02 Sebastien Mena
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