Sephorah Mangin
Senior Lecturer in Economics (Assistant Professor) at The Australian National University
Research areas
- Macroeconomics, Search theory, Labour economics, Economic growth, Economic theory.
Sephorah Mangin is a Senior Lecturer in Economics. Her research interests include macroeconomics, search theory, labour economics, economic growth, and economic theory. Sephorah has published her research in prominent academic journals including Journal of Economic Theory and Journal of Monetary Economics. She has conducted research at the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago, and is an Associate Editor at the European Economic Review.
- Efficiency in Search and Matching Models: A Generalized Hosios Condition (with B. Julien) Journal of Economic Theory 193, April 2021
- Unemployment and the Labor Share (with Petr Sedlacek) Journal of Monetary Economics, 94, pp 41-59, 2018
- A Theory of Production, Matching, and Distribution Journal of Economic Theory, 172, pp 376-409, 2017
- Efficiency of Job Creation in a Search and Matching Model with Labor Force Participation (with B. Julien) Economics Letters 150, pp 149-151, 2017
- Illegal Migration and Policy Enforcement (with Yves Zenou) Economics Letters, 148, pp 83-86, 2016
- Directed Search, Unemployment, and Public Policy (with B. Julien, J. Kennes, and I. King) Canadian Journal of Economics, 42 (3), pp 956-983, 2009
Research grants and awards
- 2016 Monash University Department of Economics Teaching Prize
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