Shlomit Kaminka

Senior Lecturer at Reichman University


  • Reichman University



Reichman University


  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - D.Sc (Behavior Studies and Management, Specialization in Industrial Relations and Human Resources) 1972 - 1977
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - MSc (Behavior Studies and Management, Specialization in Industrial Relations and Human Resources) 1971 - 1972
  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - BA (Psychology and Sociology) 1968 - 1971


  • The Israeli Association for HR Management Research and Development - CEO and Co-Founder Jan 2004 -
  • Reichman University - Senior Lecturer Sep 2013 -
  • Mitimop - CEO Apr 2004 - Dec 2015
  • The College of Management Academic Studies - Senior Lecturer Feb 2009 - Sep 2014
  • University of Haifa - Initiator and Academic Director of MBA program in Strategic HR Management Jan 2010 - Sep 2013
  • Bank Hapoalim - Director of Human Resources Strategic Planning Sep 1990 - Dec 2003
  • Tel Aviv University - Senior Lecturer Jan 1980 - Jan 2002
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Visiting Researcher Sep 1987 - Aug 1989
  • Independent - Private HR Consultant Jan 1980 - Jan 1987
  • Rothschild Medical Center - Human Resources Manager Jan 1977 - Jan 1980

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