Simone de Colle

Visiting Associate Professor of Business, Organizations and Society at New York University Abu Dhabi


  • New York University Abu Dhabi



New York University Abu Dhabi

Simone de Colle is Visiting Associate Professor of Business, Organizations and Society at NYUAD. His research focuses on business ethics, entrepreneurship, and stakeholder theory, particularly around the concept of Responsible Capitalism, or a new way of conceiving business fully embracing stakeholder theory. He is currently working on the emerging research model of Humanistic Business Ethics and the role of expressive rationality to explain the emergence of social entrepreneurship. He has taught courses on business ethics and sustainability managing and reporting in Europe, USA, and Asia and delivered training programs to corporate executives in Italy, France, and Ireland.

He has twenty-five years of experience in research, teaching, and consultancy: from 1997-2000, he served as a Council Member of the Institute of Social and Ethical AccountAbility, London, and as an expert member of the ISO Working Group on Social Responsibility, contributing to the drafting of ISO 26000. In 2000-02 he worked as Manager, Business Ethics & Integrity at KPMG Sustainability Advisory Services in London.

Simone is a co-author of Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art with R. Edward Freeman et al. (2010, Cambridge University Press), a reference publication in stakeholder theory, having received more than 5,000 citations.


PhD University of Virginia, Darden School of Business; IESEG School of Management, Paris

Research Areas:

Business Ethics; Stakeholder Theory; Entrepreneurship; Responsible Capitalism.

Courses Taught

  • CSTS-UH 1127 Responsible Capitalism

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