Sophie Calder-Wang
Assistant Professor of Business Economics & Public Policy / of Finance at The Wharton School
The Wharton School
Sophie Calder-Wang is Assistant Professor of Real Estate and Assistant Professor of Business Economics & Public Policy at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. She was a 2017 Meyer Fellow at the Joint Center for Housing Studies. Her research focuses on understanding how digital technology affects economic outcomes in the real economy. Prior to getting her PhD in economics at Harvard, she graduated from Princeton University summa cum laude in mathematics.
Research Interests:
- industrial organization, digitization, urban economics
Working Papers
On Digitization and Productivity
- The Distributional Impact of the Sharing Economy on the Housing Market
Working Paper, 2021.
On Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital
Diversity and Performance in Entrepreneurial Teams
(with Paul Gompers, Kanyuan Kevin Huang), NBER Working Paper, 2021. OnlineVenture Capital's Me Too Moment
(with Paul Gompers, Patrick Sweeney) NBER Working Paper, 2021.Diversity in Innovation
(with Paul Gompers) NBER Working Paper, 2017.
On Methods
Unobserved Heterogeneity, State Dependence, and Health Plan Choices
(with Ariel Pakes, Jack Porter, and Mark Shepard) NBER Working Paper, 2021.The Value of Information: Why You Should Add the Second Order Conditions
And the Children Shall Lead: Gender Diversity and Performance in Venture Capital
(with Paul Gompers) Journal of Financial Economics, 2021.A Set-Valued Approach to Utility Maximization under Transaction Cost
(with Andreas H. Hamel) Decision in Economics and Finance 2017, (1-19).
The Impact of Airbnb on the Residential Housing Market Before COVID-19: Estimates from New York City
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