Stephen Shortell

Professor and Dean Emeritus, UC Berkeley School of Public Health at Haas School of Business


  • Haas School of Business
  • Imperial College London




Haas School of Business

PhD, Behavioral Science, University of Chicago
MBA, Business Administration, University of Chicago
MPH, Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
BBA, Business, University of Notre Dame
Positions Held
At Haas since 1998
2013-present, Director Center for Healthcare Organizational and Innovation Research (CHOIR)
1998 – present, Professor of Health Policy and Management, UC Berkeley School of Public Health
1998 – present, Professor of Organizational Behavior, Haas School of Business
1998 – present, Institute for Health Policy Research, UC San Francisco, affiliated
1998 – present, Department of Sociology, affiliated
2002 – 2013, Dean, UC Berkeley School of Public Health
2004 – 2005, Professor, PH 223C and BA299H: Strategic Management and the Organization of Health Services
2000 – 2002, Chair, Center for Health Research, Institute for Business and Economics Research
External Service and Assignments
- Member, Institute of Medicine Committee, “Designing the 21st Century Health System” - Member, Board of Directors, Health Research and Educational Trust - Member, Board of Directors, National Center for Health Care Leadership - Dean, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley - Member, National Advisory Council, Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Investigator Fellowship Program - Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management School of Public Health, UC Berkeley - Professor of Organization Behavior, Haas School of Business - Member, Center for Health Research, UC Berkeley - Member, Industrial Relations Institute, UC Berkeley - Member, Institute for Personality and Social Research, UC Berkeley

Current Research and Interests
- Organizational correlates of quality and outcomes of care - Evaluation of total quality management and community-based health improvement initiatives - Strategic change in the health care sector-e.g. Evolution of integrated delivery systems - Strategic alliances between physicians and other health care entities

Selected Papers and Publications
- Sehgal, N., Huber, T., Knox, M., and Shortell, S.M. “Resource Guide for California Accountable Communities for Health: A Review of Emerging Evidence on Interventions for Asthma, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Care.” California Health and Human Services Agency Innovation Plan, February 23, 2015. - Shortell, S.M. “Will We Ever Achieve ‘The Holographic’ Organization? “ Managed Care. September 2014, pages 42-45. - Shortell S.M., Scheffler, R.M., Kessell, E.R., and Fulton B.D. “Accountable Care Organizations in California: Promise and Performance.” Berkeley Forum, Berkeley CA, February 2015. - Shortell, S.M. “Accountable Care Organizations Taking Hold and Improving Health Care in California.” Health Affairs Blog, June 2, 2015. - Health Care Management: Organization Design and Behavior, 5th ed., with A.D. Kaluzny, et al. Albany, NY: Delmar, 2005. - “The Role of Perceived Team Effectiveness in Improving Chronic Illness Care,” with J.A. Marsteller, et al. Medical Care _42, no. 11 (November 2004):1040-1048. - “External Incentives, Information Technology, and Organized Processes to Improve Health Care Quality for Patients with Chronic Diseases,” with L. Casalino, et al. _Journal of the American Medical Association _289, no. 4 (22/29 January 2003): 434-441. - “Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Impact of Organizational Identification, Identity, and Image on the Cooperative Behaviors of Physicians,” with J.M. Dukerich and B.R. Golden. _Administrative Science Quarterly 47 (2002): 507-533. -  “Improving the Quality of Health Care in the United Kingdom and the United States: A Framework for Change,” with E. Ferlie. The Milbank Quarterly 79, no. 2 (2001): 281-316.

- Strategic Management and the Organization of Health Services, PH 223C and BA299H - Chair and member of doctoral dissertation committees

Honors and Awards
- AHA/HRET TRUST Leadership Award for “Transforming healthcare through research and education”, 2015 - American Hospital Association National Honorary Membership, 1999 - Distinguished Investigator Award, Association for Health Services Research and Health Policy, 1998 - Gold Medal Award, American College of Healthcare Executives, 1998 - Baxter Health Services Research Prize for distinguished contributions to the improved health of the public through innovative health services research, 1995 - Elected a Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Health Services Research, 1995 - Corning Award, American Society of Health Planning, 1995 - Elected to honorary fellowship in the American Academy of Medical Administrators, 1994 - Elected to Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1986 - Faculty Achievement Award, Northwestern University, 1988-1990; 1990-1991; 1992-1993; 1993-1994; 1994-1995; 1995-1996; 1996-1997 - George R. Terry “Book of the Year” Award, The Academy of Management, 1990

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