Steve Myint

Adjunct Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School



Prof. Steven Myint MD PhD is an immunologist whose former industry roles include executive director role and a Global Medical Director at GSK Global and Senior Vice-President for R&D/Chief Medical Officer at BTG International.

He has been active in biotech industry sector since his departure from GSK Global. He is the current Chairman of Inex Private Ltd (Singapore), non-executive director of Aplagon Oy and Medisapiens Oy of Finland, and a non-executive director of Lipid Genomics, a companion diagnostic company spun out of Johns Hopkins University (USA). He was also the executive chairman of Green Signal Bio, which developed into one of India’s largest vaccine manufacturer under his leadership.

In public sector, Dr. Myint is a Senior fellow to A STAR, a consultant to its commercialization arm Accelerate, and a Board Member of the Norther Health Sciences Alliance of UK. He was a former Professor and Dean of Medicine & Health at the University of Surrey and Professor/Chairman of Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Leicester in the UK. He was an NHS consultant in UK for over 20 years and is also a former Senior Independent Director, then chairman, of a hospital in the NHS and Board Member of Care International. He has also been Chief Executive of a patient organization, the European Federation of Neurological Associations, consultant to several organisations in the medical and financial worlds and member of several national and international advisory boards. He is also a member of Royal College of Physicians and the Royal Society of Medicine

In financial sector, Dr. Myint is a Co-founder of Finland’s first biotech fund Ukko Partners (Finland), and a partner in the Palo Alto-based venture fund Pharma Capital (USA),

Over his career, Dr. Myint has been involved in the development of over 30 SME’s in life sciences and created values over US$1 billion for shareholders.


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