Steve Vincent

Professor of Work and Organisation at Newcastle University



My research interests include organisational forms and their consequences for employment; critical perspectives on Human Resource Management; professional self-employment; skills and soft skills; and, various diversity-based issues. I often use critical theories, such as Labour Process Theory, Critical Realism, and Bourdieusian Sociology, and consider the implications for critical perspectives for applied social research about contemporary work and organisational issues. I have edited one book on Critical Realism and research methods, and have edited various special issues of peer review journals. I have also published widely, including a range of book chapters in edited collections and peer review journals, including papers in teh following journals: Administrative Theory and Praxis; Human Relations; Industrial Relations Journal; Human Resource Management Journal; Journal of Critical Realism; Journal of Management Studies; Work, Employment and Society, Public Administration; and, New technology, Work and Employment.

I am also an active academic organiser. I was a member of the Editorial Board of Work, Employment and Society journal between 2006 and 2010. I am also currently a member of the steering group of the International Labour Process Conference.

Before I came to Newcastle in 2012, I studied Sociology at Manchester University (1997) before then taking a Masters in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations at the Manchester School of Management (UMIST). My first academic post was as Research Assistant on a UMIST-based Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) project titled "Changing Organisational Forms and the Reshaping of Work". Whilst developing this project I also worked towards my PhD, titled "A labour process analysis of inter-organisational exchange networks", which I eventually submitted in 2004. When my research contract at UMIST ended, in 2002, I took a post as a Teaching Fellow at Leeds University Business School. I was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2007.

Whilst at Leeds University Business School I undertook various roles, including Programme Director of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in HRM, Director of Student Education (HRM) and finally, Deputy Head of Division. Whilst at Newcastle I have acted as Programme Director for the Masters level programme in Global Human Resource Management. I was also Head of Group [Leadership, Work and Organisation] and am now acting as Research Community Leader in the area of HRM, Work and Employment.

Professional Affiliations

  • Chartered Member: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
  • Member: British Universities Industrial Relations Association
  • Member: British Sociological Association


  • PhD University of Manchester - Manchester Business School (2000 — 2005)
  • MA in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations Manchester School of Management (1998 — 1999)
  • B.Soc.Sci (Sociology) The University of Manchester (1993 — 1997)


  • Professor of Work and Organisation Newcastle University (2012)
  • Senior Lecturer Leeds University Business School (2007 — 2012)
  • Lecturer Leeds University Business School (2002 — 2007)
  • Research Assistant Manchester School of Management (1999 — 2001)

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