Suh Pyng Ku
Professor of Clinical Finance and Business Economics at USC Marshall School of Business
USC Marshall School of Business
Suh-Pyng Ku is a Professor of Clinical Finance & Business Economics at USC Marshall School of Business. Her teaching and research specialties include corporate finance, portfolio management, and security valuation. She teaches corporate finance and applied investment management courses in the MBA program. In addition, she serves as the Vice Dean for Graduate Programs and Director of the USC Marshall Center for Investment Studies. Previously, Professor Ku served as USC's vice provost and executive director of continuing education and summer programs. Prior to that, she served as USC's chief technology officer for enhanced learning, Associate Dean for Marshall MBA Program and Marshall's chief information officer. She is the 2014 Golden Apple Teaching Award Winner for the Full-Time MBA Core Program and a 2014 Steven B. Sample Teaching and Mentoring Award Nominee, USC Office for Parent Programs. Professor Ku received her Ph.D. degree in Finance from USC.
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