Sylvia Wuersten

Lecturer/ Chargée de cours en Relations publiques


Sylvia is a trilingual communications professional with over 20 years of experience in the service, media and training industries. A Public Relations (PR) specialist with a degree, she is also a Copywriter in Corporate Communications. Recently, she successfully completed a post-graduate course in vocational and adult education. An expert in the examination of federal patents for PR Specialists since 1999, she has also been a member of the Examination Commission since 2011.She started her career at the IMD Institute of Management and then at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne EHL. In recent years, she was in charge of Communications for the Edipresse Group and then Tamedia in French-speaking Switzerland. Today she provides consulting mandates, in parallel to her activities as trainer & project manager with the State of Geneva and lecturer in Communication in various institutions in French-speaking Switzerland.


  • Project Manager/ Chargée de projet Communication
    Espace Entreprise (DIP)

  • Lecturer/ Chargée de cours en Relations publiques
    Ecole Internationale Tunon

  • Lecturer/ Chargée de cours en Communication

  • pr suisse
    PR Expert/ Experte Examens fédéraux Consultant/ Membre Commission Examens fédéraux Member/ Membre du Comité central - Déléguée pour la Suisse romande

  • PR & Communication Consultant/ Conseillère en Relations publiques
    SylCom - Relations publiques & Communication

  • Corporate Communications Manager/ Responsable Communication

  • Corporate Communications Manager/ Responsable Communication Groupe
    Edipresse Group

  • Communication & Marketing Consultant/ Spécialiste MarCom
    Performances SA

  • Manager EMBA - Managerial Communication Faculty/ Directrice adjointe - Enseignante en Communication
    Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne

  • Public Relations Manager/ Responsable Relations publiques
    Darwel PR

  • Communication & Public Relations Consultant/ Spécialiste en Communication
    Havas Worldwide Genève (EURO RSCG)

  • Executive Programme Administrator/ Responsable de Formations managériales


    BFFA, Brevet fédéral d’études supérieures - Formation d'Adultes, Andragogie, Professional Bachelor

    MAS, Diplôme fédéral d'études supérieures - Enseignement professionnel, Pédagogie, Federal Diploma of Higher Education

  • CREA Genève
    CAS, Web 2.0, Social Media, Community Management

  • Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud (HEP Vaud)
    Certificate, Training - Département de la formation de la jeunesse et de la culture, Canton de Vaud, Professional Qualification

  • Swiss Leaders SKO / ASC / ASQ / Swiss manager association
    DiplomaField Of StudyCAS Leadership

  • Haute école de gestion Fribourg (HEG-FR)
    Postgraduate Diploma SPRI, Corporate Communications, Editing

  • HES-SO Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
    Certificate, Pedagogy, Federal Recognition

  • Université de Lausanne
    CAS, Marketing Management, Certificate of Advanced Studies

  • SAWI - Centre suisse d'enseignement du marketing
    Public Relations Specialist with Federal Diplome of Higher Education, Communication, Professional Bachelor

  • IMD Business School
    Diplomas - 1990/ 1994, Management, Executive Education

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