TANG Hei Hang Hayes

Assistant Professor of Education Policy at The Education University of Hong Kong


A sociologist, Dr Hayes Tang is interested in the fields of education policy, higher education, academic profession and youth studies. His research reconsiders the sociological role of higher education in the rise of 'academic entrepreneurialism', focussing on East Asia. He is committed to create new knowledge in application for better education governance and policy innovation in the age of global inequalities. He aspires to build lifelong partnership with students and professionals so as to enlighten his analysis on educational development and policy anew with fresh perspectives, along with greater social impact and professional relevance. Recently completed two GRF projects (General Research Fund by Hong Kong Research Grants Council), he is Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership, and Programme Leader of MA in Leading Innovative Learning Organizations (LILO) at the Education University of Hong Kong. He has started another GRF project "Reconsidering Academic Entrepreneurialism in East Asia: Diverse Voices and Critical Insights from the Academic Profession of Flagship Universities” in 2021. Meanwhile he completed a PPR project (Public Policy Research by the HKSAR Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office) on youth and aspirations in Hong Kong in 2020. He serves as the Associate Editor (Sociology and Education) of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI-indexed), Associate Editor of the Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (the official journal of Comparative and International Education Society's Higher Education Special Interest Group), and is on the Editorial Board of Chinese Education & Society (Taylor & Francis).

On top of scholarly research, he considers education a commitment imperative to an academic life. Championing the spirit of liberal arts education, Hayes was presented at the start of his academic career the Outstanding Teacher Award by the School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong in 2012. On issues about education, innovation and youth engagement, he was interviewed by journalism including ARTE (Association relative à la télévision européenne) (Franco-German channel), The Straits Times, South China Morning Post (SCMP), Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK, Radio 3), China Daily and D100 Radio. Upon invitation, he delivered a Fulbright-Hays seminar for a delegation of American school teachers during their visit to The University of Hong Kong in August 2015. The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad are hosted by the National Committee on United States-China Relations, USA.

In service of knowledge exchange and transfer, Dr Hayes Tang welcomes media consultation, external membership, community/professional seminars and commissioned R&D projects. The key focus of his scholarship is to innovate knowledge for education, social impact and global citizenship. He can be contacted at hhhtang@eduhk.hk

Research interests

  • Sociology of Education (especially Sociological Role of Education in the age of Innovation, Entrepreneurialism and Globalisation)
  • Higher Education
  • Youth Engagement, Educated Youth and Public Policy
  • Academic Entrepreneurialism ('Entrepreneurial Universities'), Scholarship of Engagement/Application and Impact of Universities
  • Academic Profession and Its Connections with Other Professions (including Teaching Profession/ Schools)
  • Education Governance and Policy Innovation in the Age of Global Inequalities, Populism and Authoritarianism

Teaching Interests

  • Future Skills Development and Reflections in Higher Education
  • Democracy and Education
  • Teacher Professionalism and Academic Profession
  • University General Education and Liberal Education
  • Sociology of Education

External Appointments

2022 Professional Learning Speaker, Harrow School (AISL Academy) "New gains and bright spots from the global pandemic: Leading academic entrepreneurialism for innovation and future-oriented education".

2022 Reviewer, Transactions on Education

2022 Reviewer, BMC Primary Care

2022- Executive Committee Member, The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA)

2022 Committee Member, Conference Programme Committee, The International Conference on Applied Education, Technology and Innovation (AETI) 2022 .

2022 Reviewer, Learned Publishing

2022 Reviewer, China Perspectives

2021 - 23 Programme Leader, Cambridge International Diploma in Educational Leadership, Cambridge Assessment International Education

2021 International Keynote Speaker for the speech "Global Trends in Education in the Post-Pandemic Setting: Leading Innovation and Academic Entrepreneurialism", The Asian Center of Education, Research, and Training for Innovation (ACERT), December 20, 2021

2021 Invited speaker, "Knowledge Exchange as response to Academic Entrepreneurialism: A Typology of Universities and Institutional Analysis", International Forum Series (Globalisation, Education and Work FRG/Faculty Research Group), Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia, August 25, 2021

2021 External Reviewer, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC)

2021 - Reviewer, International Journal of Educational Development (IJED)

2021 Reviewer, Education as Change

2021 Reviewer, Higher Education Forum

2021 Invited Speaker for the professional development talk "Beyond Academic - Vocational Dichotomy: The Role of Innovative Teachers in Enhancing Future - oriented Learning Engagement", CLAP - TECH Pathway, Teachers' Learning Community Gathering, April 9, 2021

2021 Guest Lecturer, "Democratising Higher Education or Dancing with Educational Desire? Some Issues and Debates about ‘Massification’ of Post - secondary Education in Hong Kong", The Chinese University of Hong Kong (PEDU 6208: Current Issues in Educational Administration and Policy), March 26, 2021

2020 - Awards Committee Member, Higher Education Special Interest Group, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)

2020 - Research Fellow, Hong Kong Benchmarks for Career and Life Development/ CLAP for Youth (Phase II)

2020 - 2024 Part Time Consultant for CLAP - TECH Pathway Project (a project which empowers youth for the new - collar jobs in information and communications technology and STEM industries in Hong Kong)

2020 External Member, Academic Committee, Advanced Diploma in Communication and Culture, School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong

2020 - Reviewer, Higher Education

2020 - Reviewer, International Studies in Sociology of Education

2020 - Organizing Committee Member, the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) International Conference 2021

2020 External Thesis Examiner, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia

2020 Reviewer for scholarly book proposal, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

2020 Invited Speaker for the paper "University Knowledge Exchange in a Global City: Perspectives from Academic Profession", RIHE 24th Open Seminar, Research Institute of Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University, Japan

2020 Reviewer, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

2019 - Reviewer, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education

2019 - Associate Editor (Sociology and Education), Humanities & Social Sciences Communications

2019 - Associate Editor, Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education

2019 Reviewer, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education

2019 Reviewer, Educational Review

2019 Reviewer, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management

2019 Reviewer, The Australian Educational Researcher

2019 Reviewer, Progress Report for University Grants Committee's (UGC) Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals, Hong Kong SAR

2019 Reviewer, Higher Education Quarterly

2019 - Editorial Board Member, Chinese Education and Society

2019 - 2021 External member, Academic Committee, The University of Western Australia’s Bachelor of Arts programmes, School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong

2019 - Reviewer, Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education

2018 Keynote Speaker for the Institutional Ethnography Colloquium Seminar, 4th - 5th December, McGill University, Canada

2018 Reviewer for conference paper submission, World Education Research Association (WERA) World Congress 2018, Cape Town, South Africa

2018 Reviewer for scholarly book proposal, Springer Nature (Book Series of Higher Education in Asia)

2018 - Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC), The Education University of Hong Kong

2018 - Reviewer, SAGE Open

2018 - Reviewer, International Journal of Educational Management

2018 Member, Review Committee, Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2018, Hong Kong

2018 External Reviewer, Research Grants Council's (RGC) Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), The Open University of Hong Kong

2018 External Reviewer, Research Grants Council's (RGC) Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), Tung Wah College

2018 - Reviewer, Multicultural Education Review

2018 - Reviewer, Educational Research for Policy and Practice

2017 Ad-hoc reviewer, Tertiary Education and Management

2016 Mentor, Startup Weekend HK: Social Innovation, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

2016 - Reviewer, Journal of Research in International Education

2016 - Reviewer, Australian Journal of Teacher Education

2016 - Reviewer, Australian Journal of Education

2016 - Reviewer, Asia Pacific Education Review

2016 - Reviewer, International Journal of Comparative Education and Development

2016 - Reviewer, Chinese Education and Society

2015 Invited Speaker for the Seminar "Seeing China's Governance from Hong Kong Youth Perspective", Fulbright - Hays Seminars Abroad, National Committee on United States - China Relations, USA

2014 Reviewer for conference paper submission, Higher Education SIG, 59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Washington D.C. 2015

2014 Reviewer, Policy and Society

2014 - Reviewer, Asian Education and Development Studies

2013 - Reviewer, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education

2013 - Reviewer, Higher Education Teaching and Learning Review

2013 - 14 Organising Committee, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2014 “Policy and Educational Development in a Global Context”

2011 International Advisory Board, Higher Education Teaching and Learning

2010 - 2015 Teaching staff representative, Academic Committee, The University of Western Australia’s Bachelor of Arts programmes, School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong

2009 Reviewer, Research Studies in Education


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