Ted Clark

Associate Professor of Business Education, Information Systems at HKUST Business School


  • HKUST Business School




HKUST Business School

Academic qualification

  • Juris Doctorate (Law) 2003 Concord Law School
  • DBA 1994 Harvard University, Information Systems
  • MBA 1985 Harvard University
  • B.Sc. 1982 Brigham Young University, Electrical Engineering


  • Associate Professor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 2000 - present
  • Deputy Head of ISMT, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 2000 - Sept 2002
  • Visitng Associate Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1998 - 2001
  • Assistant Professor of ISMT, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 1994 - 2000
  • Research Associate, Harvard Graduade School of Business Administration, 1990 - 1994
  • Instructor, Harvard Extension School, Harvard University, 1993
  • Associate, McKinsey & Co., 1985 - 1990
  • Assistant to the Director of Marketing, IBM, USA, 1984
  • Engineering Project Manager, IBM, 1982-1983
  • Instructor, Electrical Engineering Department, Brigham Young University, 1982


Books & Monographs

  • Global Electronic Commerce: Theory and Case Studies, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., Dec 1999 (with J. Westland)


  • "Examining Effectiveness and Satisfaction in e-Learning: A Longitudinal Field Study of English", Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning (JCAL), Vol. 24, No. 3, 2008 (with W. Hui, J.H. Hu, J. Milton and K.Y. Tam)
  • "Technology-Assisted Learning and Learning Style: A Longitudinal Field Experiement", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 37, No. 6, Nov 2007 (with J.H. Hu, W. Hui and K.Y. Tam)
  • "Examining the Cognitive Style Effects on the Acceptance of Online Community Weblog Systems", International Journal of Communications Law and Policy, May 2006 (with W.K. Ma)
  • "Examining Key Intention Determinants in Technology Acceptance by Individual Teachers: A Survey Study in Hong Kong", Information & Management, 2002 (with J.H. Hu and W.K. Ma)
  • "A Hierarchical Model of Supply-China Integration: Information Sharing and Operational Interdependence in the US Grocery Channel", Information Technology & Management, 2002 (with D. C. Croson and W. Schian)
  • "Performance, Interdependence and Coordination in Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce and Supply Chain Management", Information Technology & Management, 2001 (with H.G. Lee)
  • "Leveraging Information Technology to Create a World-Class Library", Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), Vol. 7, No. 4, Oct-Dec 1999
  • "Can EDI Benefit Adopters?", Information Systems Research (ISR), Vol. 10, No. 2, June 1999 (with H.G. Lee and K. Y. Tam)
  • "Information Technology and the Virtual Organization", International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1998
  • "Reengineering channel reordering processes to improve total supply-chain performance", Journal of Production and Operations Management, Vol. 6, No. 3, Fall 1997 (with J. Hammond)
  • "Market process reengineering through electronic market systems: Opportunities and challenges", Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 3, Winter 1997 (with H. Lee)
  • "EDI-enabled channel transformation: Extending business process redesign beyond the firm", International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall 1997 (with H. Lee)
  • "Impacts of electronic marketplace on transactions cost and market structure", International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Fall 1996 (with H. Lee)
  • "The Golden Projects: China’s National Networking Initiative", Information Infrastructure and Policy, 1996 (with P. Lovelock and B. A. Petrazzini)
  • "Interorganizational business process redesign: Merging technological and process innovation", Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, Fall 1996 (with D. Stoddard)

Book Chapters

  • "Implementing and Managing a Large-Scale E-service: A Case on the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme in Hong Kong" in Cases on Global IT Applications and Management: Successes and Pitfalls, edited by Felix B. Tan, Idea Group Publications, 2002 (with K.R. Lang and W.K. Ma)
  • "Electronic Commerce in China", book chapter in Doing Business on the Internet, Sudweeks and Romm (eds.), Springer, London, 1999
  • "Reengineering Channel Reordering Processes to Improve Total Supply-Chain Performance", in Global Supply Chain and Technology Management, ed. H.L.Lee and S.M. Ng, Production and Operations Management Society, Miami, 1998 (with J.H. Hammond)

Conference Proceedings/Papers

"Examining the Cognitive Style Effects on the Acceptance of Online Community Weblog Systems", 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii 2006 (with W.K. Ma and P. Li) "Examining e-Learning Effectiveness, Outcomes and Learning Style: A Longitudinal Field Experiment", PACIS Conference, 2005 (with J.H. Hu, W. Hui, J. Milton, W.K. Ma and K.Y. Tam) "Online Course Acceptance: A Paired Sample Experiment", presented at TechEd Ontario International Conference & Exposition, 2003 (with W.K. Ma) "Internet as a Mainstream Communication Medium - An Empirical Study of User Demographics", submitted to the Conference 2000 of International Telecommunications Society, Argentina, July 2000 (with Alex Tan) "Electronic Intermediaries: Trust Building and Market Differentiation", 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, 1999 (with H.G. Lee) "Financial Times: Reenginering Logistics Using the Internet", 31st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), Hawaii, 1998 "Security First Network Bank: A Case Study of an Internet Pioneer", 31st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, 1998 (with H.G. Lee) "Electronic Commerce for Agricultural Transactions: Role of Intermediaries and Accurate Pricing", 30th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, 1997, (with H.G. Lee and Matsuda, M.) "Interorganizational business process redesign: Merging technological and process innovation", 29th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 96), Hawaii, 1996 (with D.B. Stoddard) Winner of best paper award for the Organizational Systems and Technology Track "Seven level model of organizational connectivity", 29th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 96), Hawaii, 1996 (with W. Schiano) "EDI enabled channel transformation: Extending business process redesign beyond the organization", Ninth International EDI-IOS Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 1996 (with H.G. Lee) "Economic benefits and adoption barriers of electronic market systems", Ninth International EDI-IOS Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 1996 (with H.G. Lee) "Evolving telecommunications regulatory regimes in developing countries", 18th Annual Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Hawaii, 1996 (with B. Petrazzini) "Costs and benefits of telecommunications liberalization in developing countries", Institute for International Economics Conference on Liberalizing Telecommunications Services, Washington, D.C., 1996 (with B. Petrazzini) "Improving Supply-Chain Performance by Redesigning Channel Replenishment Processes", presented at the Competing in a Global Market: Technology and Supply Chain Management Perspectives Conference, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1995 (with J.H. Hammond) "Channel transformation: Improving supply-chain performance by redesigning channel replenishment processes", HBS Working Paper #95-093, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1995. Presented at the Competing in a Global Market: Technology and Supply Chain Management Perspectives Conference, HKUST, Hong Kong , 1995 (with J.H. Hammond)

Other Publications

  • "Financial Times Syndication Services: Making Money on the Web", Case Study 9-39711, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1997 (with P. Lovelock)
  • "Hong Kong SuperNet", Case Study 9-39706, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 1997 (with S.L. Cook)
  • "Asia Online: The Online Service for Asia", Case Study 9-39710, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1997
  • "China Internet Corporation", HBS Case# 9-396299, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1996 (with John J. Sviokla)
  • "China Internet Corporation -- http:www.china.com", Case Study 9-39601, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1996 (with John J. Sviokla)
  • "H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation", in Applegate, L.M., F.W. McFarlan, and J.L. McKenney: Corporate Information Systems Management: Text and Cases, Chicago: Irwin, 1996 (with D.C. Croson, J.L. McKenney and R.L. Nolan)
  • "H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation:", HBS Case #9-195-125, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1994 (with D.C. Croson, J.L. McKenney and R.L. Nolan)
  • "Proctor & Gamble: Improving Consumer Value Through Process Redesign", in Applegate, L. M., F. W. McFarlan, and J. L. McKenney: Corporate Information Systems Management: Text and Cases, Chicago: Irwin 1996 (with J. L. McKenney)
  • "Proctor & Gamble: Improving Consumer Value Through Process Redesign", HBS Case #9-195-126, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1995 (with J. L. McKenney)
  • "Security First Network Bank (SFNB)", Case Study 9-39605, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1996
  • "Andersen Consulting: The Asia Intranet Opportunity", Case Study 9-39604, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1996 (with P. Lovelock)
  • "Global Electronics Manufacturing (HK), Ltd.", Case Study 9-39603, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1996 (with Alvin Chu)
  • "China’s Golden Projects: Re-engineering the National Economy", HBS Case #9-396283, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1996 (co-branded case with both HBS and HKUST logos) (with Peter Lovelock and Ben A. Petrazzizi)
  • "China’s Golden Projects: Re-engineering the National Economy", Case Study 9-39602, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 1996 (with Peter Lovelock and Ben A. Petrazzini)
  • "Linking the Grocery Channel: Management Issues of Implementing Interorganizational Connectivity", HBS Working Paper #95-019, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1995 (with J. L. McKenney)
  • "Interdependence, Coordination, and Productivity in the US Grocery Channel", Uniform Code Counsel (UCC) Research Report, Dayton, Ohio, 1995
  • "Improving Efficiency in the Hong Kong Grocery Industry through Supply Chain Management: A Proposal for the Industry", Working Paper, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, presented to the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Article Numbering Association, Hong Kong, 1995
  • "Developing Supply Chain Management Capabilities to Improve Consumer Goods Production and Distribution Efficiencies in Hong Kong", Working Paper, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, presented to the Hong Kong Article Numbering Association, 1995 (with H. T. Zhang)
  • "Hannaford Brothers: Leading the Grocery Channel Transformation", HBS Case #9-195-127, Harvard Business School, Boston, 1995 (with W. Schiano and J. L. McKenney)


  • Consultant, Arthur D. Little Asia Pacific
  • Executive Education: Executive Seminar Presentation with Andersen Consulting; HKUST Business Process Reengineering Seminar; HKUST Telecommunications Policy Seminar; Electronic Commerce Presentation at Internet Commerce Expo
  • BPR Advisor, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, HKUST
  • Supervisor, Multiple MBA and Undergraduate Research Field Study, HKUST
  • Advisor, Undergraduate Case Study Competition Team, HKUST
  • Coordinator, HICSS Conference
  • Advisor, HKANA; RMA
  • Guest Editor, International Journal of Electronic Commerce


  • IT strategy
  • Inter-organizational systems
  • Process re-design
  • Electronic commerce


  • Dean’s Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Business School, 1989-1992
  • Baker Scholar, Harvard Business School, 1985
  • Phi Kappa Phi, Academic Honor Society, 1982
  • Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Honor Society, 1982
  • Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, 1982
  • Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Scholar, 1982
  • Henrietta Clyde Scholarship, 1981
  • Electrical Engineering Departmental Scholarship, 1980

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