Theresa Alviar
Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at Kennesaw State University / Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University
- Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Technological University
I am an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at Kennesaw State University's Bagwell College of Education. My scholarship examines citizenship education in culturally diverse democracies from global and comparative perspectives. I am interested specifically in intersections of global citizenship and education, which stems from my experience working as an ESOL teacher in a refugee camp in the Philippines, and as a primary teacher in internationals schools in Manila, Bangkok, and Hong Kong. Prior to joining KSU, I held appointments as assistant professor at the National Institute of Education (NIE Singapore) and the Education University of Hong Kong (formerly Hong Kong Institute of Education).
I serve as editorial board member for Theory and Research in Social Education, the journal of the US National Council for the Social Studies' College and University Faculty Assembly. My writing has appeared in several academic books and peer-reviewed journals, including Education Policy Analysis Archives, Journal of Education, the Journal of Educational Research, Teachers College Record, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Theory & Research in Social Education.
My most recent publications include chapters in the Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education (2018), the Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (2018), and Education for a Globalizing Asia: Challenges and Opportunities (Ateneo University Press, 2019).
Along with Dr. Mark Baildon from NIE Singapore, I am editing Research on Global Citizenship in Asia, which is a forthcoming volume in the series, Research in Social Education by Information Age Press.
- Ph.D. Educational Studies - Emory University, Atlanta
- M.A. Curriculum and Teaching - Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
- B.Sc. Family Life and Child Development - University of the Philippines, Diliman
Theresa Alviar - Understanding Global Issues
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