Thomas Biermeyer

Assistant Professor at Maastricht University



Thomas Biermeyer is Assistant Professor at Maastricht University. Thomas’ focus is three-pronged and covers corporate finance law, EU corporate law and EU law in general.

Within the area of corporate finance law, Thomas founded the MUCorpLab which encompasses the Corporate Finance Law Honours Track as well as CorpDocEX, both coordinated by him. All three parts belong to the METRO institute. The honours track offers students a deep and practical insight into corporate finance law. CorpDocEX aims to provide research and analysis on corporate transactional documents. Thomas’ academic experience in this field is nourished by his practice as senior associate at the Luxembourg law firm Wildgen, where he advises listed and unlisted companies on complex corporate finance transactions. Thomas is also a Young Leader at the Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association in the area of Tech/Digital.

In the area of EU corporate law, Thomas conducts research in the area of cross-border corporate mobility. He is one of the project leaders of the project “Cross-border Corporate Mobility in the EU”, gathering empirical data on the state of cross-border corporate mobility in the EU. Thomas also advises governments and EU institutions in this area. For example, he is the author of the study on the application of the Cross-Border Merger Directive conducted for the European Commission and has collaborated with the European Parliament on a study on cross-border seat transfers. Thomas has written his doctoral thesis on the protection of stakeholders in cross-border seat transfers in the EU.

In the third area, general EU law, Thomas can boast over half a decade of experience as the Executive Editor of the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. Further, he is one of the founders and Academic Directors of the Septfontaines Summer School of EU law, taking place each summer in an old abbey in the Champagne, France. Finally, he is one of the founders of the EU Law Database Project, aiming to provide a high-end database on EU law.

Thomas was a visiting researcher at Harvard Law School, the University of Oxford and the Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne. He studied European, Dutch, and comparative law (Bachelor/Master 2008-2010, cum laude), and European Studies (2004-2007, cum laude) at Maastricht University, and at the Science Po in Grenoble (France).

Thomas is member of the Maastricht Centre of European Law, of the European Corporate Governance Institute, of the Ius Commune Research School and of the European Law Moot Court Society.


  • Master (LLM) Maastricht University (2008 — 2010)
  • Exchange Science Po Grenoble (2006 — 2007)
  • Bachelor Maastricht University (2004 — 2007)


  • Director Wildgen, Luxembourg Law Firm (2020)
  • Assistant Professor Maastricht University (2013)
  • Executive Editor Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (2011)
  • Senior Associate Wildgen, Luxembourg Law Firm (2017 — 2020)
  • Associate Wildgen, Partners in Law (2015 — 2017)
  • PhD Researcher Maastricht University (2010 — 2015)
  • Legal Advisor/ Associate JeantetAssocies (2013 — 2015)
  • Visiting Researcher IRJS - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2012 — 2013)
  • Junior academic visitor University of Oxford (2012 — 2012)


  • International Tax Law
  • Corporate Law
  • European politics


European Union, European Corporate Law, International Relations, Legal Advice, EU Competition Law, European Law


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