Thomas Dietel

Associate Professor at University of Cape Town


  • University of Cape Town



University of Cape Town

I am an associate professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Cape Town. My research field is experimental heavy-ion physics, and I am a member of the ALICE Collaboration at CERN. I am the coordinator of the ALICE activities within the SA-CERN Programme and represent the South Africans group within the CERN collaboration.

I am working on the upgrade of the ALICE Detector that is scheduled for the upcoming Long Shutdown 2 of the Large Hadron Collider. The upgrade will allow ALICE to record and analyze 100 times more collisions. I am responsible for the data processing of the Transition Radiation Detector, which includes simulation, online data processing and inclusion in the global reconstruction software.

My focus in data analysis in on photon measurements, with current projects in the reconstruction of neutral meson via their decay into photons.

Before joining the University of Cape Town I worked as a post-doc at the University in Münster on the ALICE Transition-Radiation Detector and on photon analysis. Even earlier, I received a PhD from the University of Frankfurt/Main for my work on photon-jet correlations and the Level-3 Trigger within the STAR Experiment at Brookhaven National Lab's RHIC.

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