Thomas Schmidt

Honorary Professor at Alliance Manchester Business School


  • Alliance Manchester Business School



Alliance Manchester Business School


After having studied Musicology, Medieval and Early Modern History and Italian literature at the universities of Heidelberg and Chapel Hill (North Carolina), I was awarded a PhD in musicology at Heidelberg University in 1995, with a thesis on Felix Mendelssohn''s musical aesthetics. Subsequently, I held various postdoctoral positions in Heidelberg, as well as a Humboldt Fellowship in Urbana (Illinois) in 1998-1999. In 2001, I obtained the Habilitation (post-doctoral qualification) in Heidelberg, with a study on text declamation in the fifteenth-century motet (published in 2003). After a Heisenberg senior research fellowship and a visiting professorship in Frankfurt, I moved to the UK in the autumn of 2005 to take up the Professorship and chair of Music at Bangor University. In 2012, I was appointed as Professor of Music at Manchester.

Professional profile:

Head of the Division of Art History, Drama and Music, University of Manchester, 2015-

Head of School, Bangor University School of Music, 2006-2012

Member, Academia Europea (European Academy of Arts and Sciences)

Chairman, National Association of Music in Higher Education (NAMHE), 2008-2013

Secretary, The Plainsong and Medieval Music Society

Visiting Fellow, All Souls College Oxford, 2008


Areas of expertise

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