Thorbjørn Knudsen

Professor of Strategic Organisation at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management



Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Thorbjørn Knudsen is a Professor of Organization Design at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) where he is a co-director of the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS). His research interests center around evolutionary and adaptive processes in organizations and the way organization design can shape these processes.

He is a Senior Editor of Organization Science, and member of the Editorial Review Board of Academy of Management Journal and the Strategic Management Journal.

His research is published in Academy of Management Review, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly among others, and he is co-author of Darwin's Conjecture: The Search for General Principles of Social and Economic Evolution, published by Chicago University Press.


  • University of Southern Denmark, Diploma in Economics, 1/7/1994.
  • University of Southern Denmark, PhD, Business Economics, 2/8/1999.

Academic awards and honors

  • Knight at the Order of Dannebrog, R.
  • Chairman of Hans Christian Andersen Academy, University of Southern Denmark (
  • Tietgenprisen 2003.
  • Statoil Research Award 2001.
  • Den Fynske Fond for Erhvervsøkonomisk Forsknings Forskerpris i 1999.
  • Kraks Blå Bog


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